
Friday, February 25, 2022

Dream Job and White Again.

 Our Location today is Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

We made certain to get to bed earlier last night so that I could wake naturally before heading off to the Gym. That was the Plan but it didn’t happen.

As most of you will agree that as you age seldom do you remember any of the dreams you have. If you did it would have something to do with whatever you might be dealing with at the time. For me I am presently looking for a job in my prospective career and even though I have applied for quite a few so far nothing.

After only an Hour of sleep I woke from a dream that was extremely vivid to the point of being surreal. Then I would be tossing for quite some time before falling back to sleep and replaying the same dream. That happened at least Five Times so when the time came that I had hoped to wake up I was sleeping soundly. I finally woke at 8:00 only Ten Minutes before Kathy.

It was still snowing when I took this picture.

Looking outside through the Balcony Door you had to look closely to see the fine Snowflakes that were seemingly blowing every which way. The forecast had called for Flurries and that was what we would end up having the entire day.

Our morning Temperature.

After having a Pecan Tart and Coffee/Tea for breakfast I chopped up a Fresh Pineapple that we purchased at the grocery store yesterday before I joined Kathy at my Computer.

Due to the lack of sleep I would have a Headache the entire day. I was not tired enough to need a Snap yet I was too tired for any hard exertion. That also meant we kept our meals lite to reflect our activity levels. We had Baked Beans on Toast for lunch with a couple of Coconut Macaroons and a Yogurt Cup for dessert.

Between the Computers and the Television we were keeping up with what is happening in the Ukraine invasion by Russia.

The 6 o’clock Local News reported Coronavirus Cases for the province of Ontario and not the Windsor/Essex Region.

They only salted the parking lot today.

The Weather Network showed we had a high temperature of 25F (-4 C).

We finally had a late supper after the News where we had an Italian Pasta Salad along with fresh cut Pineapple for dessert. Eating like this is better then eating too much and just gives your body enough energy to digest.

Tomorrow we’ll be more active.

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


I can only please one person per day.

Today is not your day and tomorrow isn’t looking good either.

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