
Monday, January 10, 2022

Talking With Paul and Getting Things Done.

 Our Location today is Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

Paul came to the Maintenance Compound before I had my Coveralls on this morning. The subject was a particular Supervisor and the way he seems to target me when I’m doing my job. He seems to think that taking a Banister Brush to the outside of the Motor Covers will remove years of built up grime in the inside. I assured Paul that Ivan would verify everything I was telling him and that he had to keep Kharen away from me if he wanted me to continue working for him.

Then we discussed how to improve the sound coming from the Exhaust Blower that we worked on this past weekend. I didn’t bother with the Morning Walk Around but headed back to the Mezzanine to try making the adjustments Paul suggested. As soon as he had the Paint-Line going and was confident the Workers could continue without him he joined me. Together we tried a few more things then agreed to just wait it out. Having replaced the Drive Belts on Saturday seemed to have been when this noise started. By noon this Exhaust Blower would be running as quiet as it should be. It was the Belts that just had to seat themselves.

Back at the Compound Paul wanted me to paint the Electrical Box Guard and he would order a new Hammer Drill since the old one was stolen on the last break-in. I barely had it back in the Compound when Kharen shows up wanting me to work on the same Carriers he had me work on last week. I told him there were more of those Carriers then he needed and I would get to them when my other jobs were finished. He left the Compound and I hand painted the Guard a Safety Yellow.

After my first break I painted the Mechanical Box I rebuilt on Friday for the Loading Docks. Not wanting to be bullied by that @#$%^&* I started rebuilding a second Mechanical Box. We do have Four Docks so having Two Boxes ready for a quick fix is not unreasonably.

Kathy watches as I park the Truck.

I spoke with Kathy while on my lunch break and she encouraged me to remain calm and not let him bother me. My problem is that the accumulation of everything he has done to, yelled at, or accused me of will no longer go away and that is sad. I have worked with some people thought of themselves to be very righteous and actually developed a good working relation with them.

Fits like a glove.

I was just about to paint the second Mechanical Box when Paul had a problem and asked me to fix it right in front of Kharen. Things didn’t work out quite as Planned but it will easy to finish in the morning. The Plan was to use Self Drilling/Tapping Screws but I didn’t realize there was Cement behind a Frame.

Kathy had been busy but needed my help. After a quick wash up I cleaned up a very fresh Pineapple. By the time I finished that it was Kathy’s turn to make a Chopped Salad to go with slices of Chicken for our supper. It was all delicious.

The 6 o’clock Local News reported more Coronavirus Cases continuing to climb for the Windsor/Essex Region but reported a Three Day Total rather then a single day’s count.

The Weather Network showed we didn’t get too warm today staying well below the Freezing Mark and we can expect more temperatures like that tomorrow.

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


You Might Be a Redneck If

You don't understand why Bo and Luke never tried to get it on with Daisy.


  1. Hi to you and Kathy from Tom and I.

  2. Hi you two! We will miss visiting with you but with this bug out there we are safer to stay put. Have a great time and enjoy your travels.

  3. So sorry this guy is such an issue. Happy you are addressing it with Paul, at least he will be aware of it and can keep an eye on things.
