
Friday, January 28, 2022

Patches, More Plowing and Another Day With Kathy.

 Our Location today is Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

Paul was on the Forklift moving stock when I arrived at the Plant this morning so his sore throat from the other night had passed. I went through my Morning Walk Around where I found a few parts that had fallen off the Carriers inside the Dryers. Since the heat had not built up yet I was able to retrieve them so they would not cause a Pile-Up inside.

Back at the Compound I was just starting to do more Carrier repairs when Paul said that he would prefer I do the Metal Patches to cover the holes made by Squirrels and Birds. That took additional measurements to minimize the number of Patches used for covering more of the holes.
When I finally started cutting the Sheet Metal I started by using a Cutting Wheel on the small Hand Grinder in order to use some larger pieces. When I was about to use the Six Foot Shear the only thing I could cut was across the sheets. Handling a Ten Foot Long Sheet by yourself is not an easy task because when you line up one side chances are the other side will move. A trick I learned over Thirty Years ago is to line up the one side then clamp a pair of Vise Grips to the Metal so when you move the other side that one stays put. When Paul saw that he started reading me the Riot Act that I should not be clamping to the Shear. As another incident had it took nearly Ten Minutes to make him realize I did not clamp to the Shear.

As I hauled the Patches upstairs he realized what I was saying was right. Instead of admitting I knew what I was doing he asked me to use the ATV to plow around the Garbage Bin outside and to salt at the Loading Dock Ramps.

When I spoke to Kathy at lunch I could barely see outside because of the Blowing Snow. By the time I layered up and actually went outside with the ATV the Sun was shining and there were hardly any Clouds in the sky. By the time I finished plowing the Sun was already melting the little bit of Snow left behind. Since I wasn’t asked to work tomorrow I’ll have my second weekend in a row to spend with Kathy.

I stopped at Guardian Storage to pick up our Mail on the home. Before I reached Motor City Community Credit Union the Truck started to Regen. I did my banking before calling to say Kathy that I would be delayed. As I drove past gas stations I noted the prices had gone up since last week. When I passed Pioneer gas station their prices were still the same. When the Truck Regens it uses more Fuel to clean the Diesel Particulate Filter so I kept my fingers crossed while I drove the Expressway allowing it to do its thing. When I got back to the Pioneer station the price was still good so I topped up the Truck saving myself a Seven Cents a Litre (Twenty-Eight Cents a Gallon) increase. Until the prices start going down I’ll just top off the Truck every week.

Kathy had used the Crock Pot to make supper. When I called saying I would be delayed she simply lowered the setting and kept it on warming. She served Roast Beef, Potatoes and Vegetables for the main course along with Carbonated Juice for our refreshment.

The 6 o’clock Local News reported another Coronavirus Death for the Windsor/Essex Region along with 221 New Cases.

The Weather Network showed that we only reached a high temperature of 16 F (-9 C) this afternoon that felt like 1 F (-17.5 C).

I attempted to wash my Dirty Coveralls downstairs this evening but they were so dirty that after the second wash I just brought them upstairs still wet. I’ll try using the Pail in the Bathtub to get them cleaner tomorrow.

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment unless it personally attacks someone for their

or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


I called my lawyer and said, “Can I ask you two questions?”

He said, “Of course. What’s the second question?”


  1. You are such a thoughtful person - I'm thinking at the moment of the community laundry. What a rarity you are.
