
Friday, December 10, 2021

Working Between Seasons.

 Our Location today is Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

It was hard to believe that it was already above the Freezing Mark this morning when I went to work and there was no noticeable breeze. There was already a Carrier waiting at the gate to the Compound when I entered the Plant. The way it was twisted it certainly brought the Paint-Line to a screeching halt.

Sticking to my routine I completed my Morning Walk Around Inspection. Seeing those Leaky Valves made me cringe thinking that our Supplier had sent the wrong size. Having talked with a few people I learned that Paul had told other Maintenance Personal to just order it again like he’d told me. It’s for that reason we now have parts in stock that we may never use. Paul has learned that I want to do the job right and expect our Supplier to do the same. He relaxed when I said I did it politely. Everything else but the Leaks above the Reverse Osmosis System was dry.

I was surprised to see Kharen the Supervisor in earlier then most days. When he saw me reshaping the bent Carrier he started talking to me as he should all the time. We returned to the Mezzanine where he brought out a box of Furnace Filters that he wanted me to change after the Sun had warmed things up a bit more.

That gave me a chance to gather things from the Compound before heading out to the Warehouse. Paul had been after me to make certain that his Truck with the Snowplow on it was ready if needed. Other then being Dust Covered it’s in great shape. Since it hasn’t been started since Spring I set the Battery on a Trickle Charge. The nearest plug was a Hundred Feet away.

Back to the job that Kharen wanted me to work on involved going to the Roof to change the Filters in the Air Conditioning Units so they would be ready to go come Spring. It also meant climbing the Access Ladder numerous times as I brought up Two Filters at a time. I had dawned my Jacket over my Coveralls but was surprised that I was starting to sweat working on the Roof. I managed to get the Permanent Filter out and power washed it which changed it’s colour entirely. Then One by One I replaced the disposable Furnace Filters making certain to install them properly for the direction of the Air Flow. Not only were those Filters trash but so were the Gloves I was wearing to handle them.

I had been told I’d be working on the Powder Coating Air Conditioner and the one for the Office. When there were no Filters on the Office Air Conditioner on the Roof I checked the one for the Lunch Room. Sure enough there were the Filters that needed to be changed.

When I mentioned there were no Filters to the Office on the Roof Kharen was about to argue there were when Paul said they were in the Closet. The Office Furnace the Roof Air Conditioner was connected to was in the Closet and so were its Filters. Now the AC Units are ready for Spring.

I checked all the Fluid Levels on the Truck/Plow and cleaned out the Air Filter before lunch. When I spoke to Kathy I told her how mild it was outside and recommended she get out in the Fresh Air for a walk. I then called Windsor Factory Supply only to be told the remainder of my order would not be in until the middle of next week. So no Leak Repairs this weekend and I’ll be rushing to get all the Vertical Pipes completed for next weekend’s change over.

Paul arrived with another small Portable MIG Welder. He got a better deal on this one then the one that was stolen. After getting it stored away in the Glove Room Paul insisted I fire up the Truck/Plow and move it. With only Ten Foot Aisles I managed to back it to an intersection and put the Truck back in the same spot facing the opposite direction without a single scratch. Actually easier then a Forty Foot Trailer.

This is half of One Dinner that we shared.

After stopping at Motor City Community Credit Union I returned to Princess Auto to exchange a faulty product. Their motto is they are not happy until the customer is happy. After calling Kathy to give her a heads up I picked up supper on the way home. I stopped at the Michigan Diner where I picked up a single Fish and Chip Dinner that was enough to feed the both of us.

The 6 o’clock Local News reported 98 New Coronavirus Cases today for the Windsor/Essex Region.

The Weather Network showed we had a high temperature today of 45 F (7 C) feeling like 43 F (6 C). Kathy did go for a walk after we talked but being so close to the River the dampness made it feel too cold for her. Tomorrow they are forecasting Winds gusting to 90 KMH (55 MPH) so Kathy will stay home and I’ll stay off the Roof.

We also found out something tonight. Kathy might not have been having a reaction to her Vaccine Booster. She has Prescription Medications that she takes in the morning and others at supper. If she misses the ones at supper she feels ill and takes days to recover. After receiving the Vaccine Booster on Wednesday we ran errands and forgot to take our Pills when we got home. Pills still in the Doucettes don’t lie.

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


Someone knocked on my door and asked for a small donation towards the local swimming pool. I gave them a glass of water.

1 comment:

  1. Climbing ladders to the roof sounds dangerous to me I recall you mentioning once that like myself you suffer from vertigo.

    Your job assignments change daily to take care of whatever has failed that day. You certainly have more patience than I do.

    Glad it wasn't the booster shot that made Kathy ill.
