
Saturday, December 18, 2021

Getting It Done While Fixing Kharen’s Mistakes.


Our Location today is Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

Being Saturday meant that I didn’t start working until 8:00. That did give me an extra Hour to get some badly needed sleep but it also meant that if there was a problem that developed I’d have to stay until it was resolved.

It didn’t take Ivan and I long to remove all the Old Piping in Section 5. It also made us wonder how long it has been since this Section had any servicing. It also made us wonder if any water from this Section was hitting the Parts. (That’s how plugged the Pipes were.)

Our next job was to get the End Caps off the Manifolds but the Bolts were so covered with a Calcium Coating that Wrenches couldn’t make them budge. Finally we brought out the Oxy-Acetylene Torch. It still took longer then it should but we finished that right before our first break.

Paul led me to a shelf in the Warehouse where he had Two Drill Bits that had been specially made for cleaning out the Manifolds. Using the Angled Drill the Eighteen Foot Bit made quick work of breaking the built up residue. Once we got the End Caps reinstalled we used the Water Pump to finish cleaning the sludge from the Manifold.

Waiting for the Water clear from the area we had an early lunch. We both took the time to call home and talk to our loved ones. As we headed back to our job we were detoured for advice on another which helped them get another Section of the Washer ready to work.

Being told that we’d have to work Sunday in order to finish Ivan and I were in the process of getting the Thirty-Two Vertical Pipes and Twenty Horizontal Pipes when Kharen decided he should help us in order to make the job go quicker. Unfortunately his help caused One Broken Elbow and Four Cross Threaded Fittings that had to be replaced adding over Two Hours to the job. Fortunately he saw we were doing better without his help and went home.

As we were about to leave after completing the Change-Over Ivan mentioned that this was the latest we ever worked. I assured him it would never happen again and to enjoy his Sunday.

Kathy and I had Chicken Noodle Soup for supper as we discussed our day. We are looking forward to spending tomorrow together.

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


You know your getting old when all you want for your birthday is to not be reminded of your age.


  1. Wouldn't surprise me if Kharen wasn't sabotaging you deliberately. I just don't trust that guy...

  2. After so much work all week hope your Sunday is a relaxing one.

  3. Ah, I'm curious. What's leading you to be so sure you and Ivan won't be working that late again? Inquiring minds want to know.
