
Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Beams Up But More To Do.

 Our Location today is Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

After having to clean off the Truck before coming home yesterday it was a pleasant surprise not to have any of the White Stuff anywhere to be found this morning. Instead we had a lite southerly breeze with 37 F (3 C) and Fog. That was quite the change but one that I did not mind.

The Employee Door was already unlocked when I arrived at the Plant so I was able to get organized for my day. Just as I was about to get started before 8:00 Ivan showed up ready to go. He’s been going home, showering and in bed before 8:00 the last few nights and he’s Eleven Years younger then me.

We still had a little grinding to do before getting ready to install the New Beams. I had to cut materials and shape them as Corner Hooks so they could be permanently installed not just for this time but for any future changes that would also be made.

Using the Cleaning Crew to help with the Heavy Lifting we first raised the one Beam onto Chains we wrapped around the Manifolds as a Safety. Those same Chains held the Beams while we used Come-Alongs attached to the Corner Hooks I had welded in place. Bit by bit we were able to snug them to the ceiling of the Washer. After attaching the Lead-In to the Beam along with a few more securing Stitches it was time to repeat the process with the Second Beam. After using a String Line to verify the Beam was in fact in a perfect line the same process was repeated.

I had talked with Kathy at lunch and reminded her of the possible late quitting time since this has to be ready to run before Monday. The Cleaning Crew left around 5:00 but Ivan made further progress and closed up around 6:35.

Since Kathy hadn’t started supper I stopped at Burger King on the way home and finally walked in the door around 7:05 with our meals in hand.

The Weather Network showed we had a high temperature today of 37 F (23 C) feeling like 32 F (0 C) with a couple more days of moderate temperatures before we really start experiencing the Winter Weather.

Working these late hours is making it even harder to say current of what all our RV Friends are up to. I can just say like our Sign-Off I always use “Stay Safe and Enjoy!

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


You Might Be a Redneck If

Your toilet paper has page numbers on it.


  1. As far as I am concerned keeping the money building up is much more important than the computer stuff to ya'lls life. I have been in that shape a couple of times and it took a bit to get back in good shape. I and the computer stuff can just wait patiently. Thank you for your perseverance.

  2. I've wondered about the hours you keep. You mention wearing Ivan out, but even with the time difference I often don't see your blog until the morning!
    Happy New Year!

  3. Hey, there is a time for everything and presently you are concentrating on your job and building up your travel kitty. You are not missing anything :-)
