
Friday, November 26, 2021

Getting Things Fixed.

 Our Location today is Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

As mentioned in other Blogs the company that I am working for does work for mainly American Auto Manufacturers so we have the American Holidays off rather then the Canadian Holidays. That meant there was no production running today but with the worn out equipment needing repairs there was a lot of that going on today.

We started at 7:00 mainly due to the fact that an Outside Environmental Firm had been hired to come in and vacuum the Water Tanks on Number 4 through 6. Their Vacuum is mounted on a Tri-Axle Semi and requires Two People to work the Nozzles.

There was also an Outside Electrical Company brought in to trouble shoot an electrical problem we’ve been having with an Exhaust System. No matter what we did we couldn’t find the problem.

After starting to drain the Alkaline Tank I went about starting to remove the Six Inch Valve on Station 2 while Ivan loaded the Carriers in the Oven to burn off the Paint. After he was done with that I planned on sending him to pick up the Parts that had been ordered at Windsor Factory Supply after 8:00 when they opened and I would continue working. He had forgot his Wallet at home so did not want to take the chance driving Paul’s pickup. That meant he got to clean the bolts from the Valve while I went to pick up the parts.

By the time I returned the Bolts were clean and the Tank was empty. We were all amazed how the Seal on that Valve had dissolved considering that it was just a Soapy Solution that ran through it for the last Twenty-Eight Years. The new Valve fit perfectly and the job was finished before 10:00 so we took our first break.

Bringing the Reciprocating Saw it made fast work of cutting both the Plastic Pipes that needed to be reworked. The old setup reduced a One and a Half Inch line to a Three-Quarter Inch Plastic Valve that had been glued in place then connected to a Two Inch Drain Pipe. There was no way of simply replacing just the Valve. The new setup has an Inch and a Half Inch Valve that is called a Union Valve then is connected to the Two Inch Drain Pipe. In the future if this Valve goes bad they simply loosen Two Collars that hold the Valve Body and replace it without having to play with the Piping.

Before I could start the next job the Leader of the Cleaners came to me saying a Pipe was leaking. (What else is new?) He led me into the Washer where he wiggled one of the Vertical Pipes until it came out of the Fitting. I simple removed the Fitting from the Manifold and was surprised that it had been used for years and never glued together. I took it to the Compound where I cleaned it up before gluing it together. When I installed it back in the Manifold where it came from I knew it would no longer leak.

After lunch because the Reducers were not what I ordered we went about replacing a leaky Air Line instead. I tied a Rope to the Pipe Wrenches and Extension Cord before climbing on top of the Washer. Ivan attached the second Rope I tossed down. Using a Cutting Wheel on the Grinder I cut the Pipe. Using Two Foot Pipe Wrenches I was finally able break the Old Pipe free. Taking it back to the Compound we got an accurate measurement to make a New Pipe with a Union in it so in the future only Wrenches will be needed to take it apart.

By the end of the shift my Coveralls were far from clean. We’ve got more repairs to get done tomorrow.

After collecting our Mail at Guardian Storage I went to Motor City Community Credit Union before heading home.

We had a Store Bought Thin Crust Vegetarian Pizza for supper.

On the 6 o’clock Local News they reported 75 New Coronavirus Cases bringing the Active Cases to 421 for the Windsor/Essex Region. We also said good bye to the retiring Anchorman after putting in more then Forty-Two Years with the media.

The Weather Network showed we had a high temperature today of 28 F (-2 C) feeling like 18 F (-8 C). I mentioned in last nights Blog how cold the night would be. It seems that tonight will be even colder with tomorrow’s high barely reaching the Freezing Mark.

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


How does a man show that he’s planning for the future?

He buys two cases of beer instead of one.

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