
Thursday, October 28, 2021

Pat On The Back From Paul and Ignored By Kharen.

 Our Location today is Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

It felt good that there was no Rain this morning but the temperature still reflected the time of year. During my Morning Walk Around I was able to find more Pipe Fittings that I know will soon become part of another project. Since they are just laying around not being used I consider what I’m doing to be house cleaning. As soon I got back to the Maintenance Compound it was quickly disassembled cleaned then put with the other Fittings of that size.

When I work on salvaging anything whether it’s Metal, Fittings or Nozzles I make a point of checking the Paint-Line every Hour so that if there are Carriers needing repairs or adjustments they can be done either by the Line or back in the Compound. Today I quickly straightened one in the Compound but returned it to the Line bringing more Tools with me. I stayed by the Line for nearly an Hour straightening over Fifty Carriers without having to go looking for them. I also noticed Paul the Owner watching from the end of the Line.

When I headed back to the Compound he followed me. Before he could say anything I asked if he had ordered the second Valve for the Line. When he said no I waved him to follow me. When we arrived at Station Four I pointed to the Valve that will be replaced and the one he didn’t order. My statement was “I have to shut the water feed to do this Valve and this one leaks just as bad. Why do you want me to shut the water off twice?” He asked what size I needed.

I continued working on the Nozzles until lunch when I went outside to the Picnic Table. While I was eating and talking to Kathy on the phone a delivery van from Windsor Factory Supply drove up. It was a new driver and I had to point him in the direction of Shipping and Receiving.

When I finished talking to Kathy I returned to the Compound to find the Valve that was just ordered this morning sitting on the Workbench. After putting it in my Weekend Project Box I continued cleaning the Nozzles. Paul came in but before he could say anything I said “Thank You for the Valve”. I got a pat on the back for that before he left.

The sky was much darker then this picture.

I saw Kharen walk by as I started hauling my Tools to the Truck. He never spoke a word to me and he never asked if I found out where the Water was coming from like yesterday.

At the Apartment we worked together to make supper, We had Acorn Squash with Grilled Chicken Strips along with Lemon Meringue Pie for dessert and a glass of Cranberry Juice to drink.

The 6 o’clock Local News reported 17 New Coronavirus Case bringing the Active Cases to 173 of which 10 were Unvaccinated for the Windsor/Essex Region.

In response to a Comment about the Coronavirus Numbers. I simply write the Numbers shown on the television and pass them along to the readers through our Blog. We find them equally as confusing how they can change from one day to the next.

The Weather Network showed our high temperature today felt like 59 F (15 C). I don’t know who put that report together because everywhere we looked people were wearing Winter Coats. I was wearing a Lined Jacket and I wished I’d had a Sweater underneath. The Rain we didn’t have today will return tonight until Saturday Evening. Just what the local Farmers don’t need.

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


Words of Inspiration

Be yourself unapologetically.

Kesha, Actress/Singer

1 comment:

  1. Your perception of all the things that need attention at your workplace sure have been noticed by Paul and he must realize what an asset you are to the company.
