
Friday, August 27, 2021

Extra Duties, Black Sky and Unknown Problem.

 Our Location today is at Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

Starting the day by simply greasing the Drive Motor to make it last until the weekend has become a necessary part of the plant’s operation. As I stored the Ladder I could see Paul giving me a Thumbs-Up acknowledging my repeated effort. As I passed by to say “Good Morning” he flagged me over.

The other day I had been told we’d simply rebuild the Motor. I expressed concern about unforeseen problems hampering the process. I had also suggested getting a Rebuilt Motor to replace the existing one then rebuilding it during a calmer time period. Considering there are Three Other Drive Motors on the same Paint-Line by servicing them on a gradual time period would make the investment worthwhile. This morning Paul informed me he was looking for a replacement like I had suggested.

After doing my Morning Walk Around I returned to the Maintenance Compound where I completed a project I assigned myself. Paul had suggested last weekend making Taller Sawhorses for when we work on Pumps. Then they would end up in the Compound for storage which I didn’t need. Using Remnant Material I created Riser Extensions that could be simply bolted to the existing Sawhorses thus making them taller.

After repairing nearly Thirty Carriers as they were about to be used near the Paint-Line I returned to the Compound with a couple that needed welding. Paul had been watching and was just taking a peek when I pointed out the Sawhorse Extensions. Looking at me dripping with sweat I was told he had another job for me and gestured I follow him.

We sat inside the Air Conditioned Office for a Half Hour as we reviewed the layout of the Pump Project. Knowing that I had been straightening things up as well as salvaging from the Piping he needed me to make certain we had all the Fittings to complete the Project. I suggested waiting for Kharen’s arrival on Monday but was told we couldn’t wait for him. His plans listed all the Fittings we needed but I had to find out what we had in stock.

It was over an Hour when I returned with a List. Paul was surprised that we had more stock then he anticipated as well that some Fittings were not the size he thought we needed. He then asked for information about getting the Plasma Cutter working. Ten Minutes later I handed him another List.

Taken at 1:50 in the afternoon.

Due to the amount of Bees hanging around the Picnic Table outside I’ve had to eat my lunch in the Compound then dawn my Mask to go outside as a way of not getting Stung while I talk to Kathy. As I approached the door all I could see was a Huge Black Cloud going across the sky to the North as the Sun started disappearing. I related that to Kathy who was just having her lunch. When she looked out the Balcony Door those same Black Clouds were starting to fill the sky to the South. I reminded her of a couple of Errands that needed tending on my way home then had to get inside as some Raindrops started falling. The storm that followed proved that the Roofing Repair Company missed one major leak.

I managed to get the Piping that would be used in a Container marked for the project. The rest of the Piping was returned to the Compressor Room. Paul handed me the parts for the Plasma Cutter and said the rest of the Fittings would be there in the morning.

Rain Coming Down.

With the Overtime I worked last week my Pay-Cheque was much nicer but I don’t want to get in the habit of this. Once this project is completed I’m certain there will be others but I’ll find a way to have a Two Day Weekend more often.

After stopping at the Motor City Community Credit Union where I brought home some Laundry Money (Coins) I also stopped at Canadian Tire. They had a Three Pack of Ratchet Wrenches on for an unbelievably low price. That just shows they were Overpriced to begin with. It doesn’t matter where I work I need to start replacing the Tools that were stolen and that was a good start.

Thinking of a small celebration I called Kathy suggesting I would pick up a single Fish And Chip Dinner at the Michigan Diner closest to our location. As I pulled into their lot there was a loud Banging Noise under the Truck. There was nothing visible and I didn’t run over anything but it seemed to require more power to move. After getting our food everything was okay until I was parking the Truck at our building where it smelled of Burnt Rubber. That sounds like Seized Calipers.

In the Apartment I explained the problem. As she served supper I tried calling our favourite mechanic Jim at Windsor Gas and Diesel only to get a recording that they are on Vacation until after Labour Day.

We each had the same amount from a single dinner.

Supper was delicious but solemn. We’ll have to wait for Jim because we don’t trust anyone else but that means that Kathy will be without a vehicle until then.

On the 6 o’clock Local News they reported 70 New Coronavirus Cases in the Windsor/Essex Region along with 472 Active Cases.

Once I had gotten home The Weather Network showed a Humidex of 104 F (40 C) but looking up the history of the day it showed a high of 108 F (42 C) just before the Rain Storm hit this afternoon.

Starting at 8:00 in the morning is not my favourite thing to do but there are some advantages like catching up on sleep. With a forecasted Humidex of 111 F (44 C) hopefully without production working it will be more bearable and we’ll get something accomplished.

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


What do you call a bull that likes to nap?

A bulldozer.


  1. So sorry about your truck, hope it's an easy fix and doesn't take too much of that overtime pay! Dinner does look delicious though!

  2. How about Kathy drives you to work, then runs her errands before picking you up?
