
Friday, July 16, 2021

Storm Inside, Birthday Celebration and Meeting Our Youngest Granddaughter.

 Our Location today is at Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

When I left for work this morning there was a lite Drizzle falling but by the time I parked the Truck it had become more of a steady Rain. Even though this would be a different kind of work day I went about gearing up for a regular start.

By 7:00 the Rain was coming down so hard that there were downpours again happening inside the plant. It reminded me of all the Rain that this happened before the Roofing Company started it’s repairs.

It was raining that hard at the Apartment.

Today there were no production workers manning the Paint Line. Instead Contractors came in to modify the end of the Coating Chamber. Word is more Aluminium Parts will be coming through for painting and they require an extra step. There was also the normal weekend cleanup crew in to give the Line a good cleaning.

I was brought in to do more measurements on modifying the Powder Coating Booth and to start cutting pieces. By 9:00 that would all change. Kharen the Supervisor brought me over to the Washer and with his most gnarled accent told me to secure one of the Partition Walls that was loose. In most plants that would not be a problem but this isn’t one of them.

Hauling the Small Portable Welding Machine over to the job and setting it inside the Washer on Plywood because of water wasn’t too bad. After plugging it in and turning it on there was no Power. Paul the Owner came along to check the circuit. After pulling the face off the panel he returned with Screw In Fuses. That’s the type of Fuses people were having removed from their houses back in the Sixties. The Machine had Power so I started welding as well as adding braces.

The storm outside had really become torrential to the point the connection to the City Storm Sewer started gushing like a Geyser flooding the parts of the plant floor that were not already covered in water.

I was just about finished welding the Partition Wall when Kharen tells me they did not want it more solid but moved by Six Inches. That meant using the Cutting Wheel to remove it from the wall then grind all the Calcium Build Up off so the Welder would connect. Since it was nearly lunch I took it back to the Compound to hammer out all the kinks.

Kathy's lunch.

Talking to Kathy while on lunch I learned she had gone out early and walked around Walmart until her Knee gave out on her. She didn’t have her Brace with her but managed to get slowly home.

I finished relocating the Partition Wall and it was approved but before I finished gathering the Tools to bring back to the Compound Kharen was again giving me a quick Patch Job to do at the other end of the Washer.

Even though I washed before leaving work the moment I walked in the Apartment Kathy suggested I go straight for a shower. I also had to hang my Dirty Clothes to dry before they could go in the Hamper.

Grandson D.J.

We headed over to our daughter Rose’s home after supper. Since we’ve all been vaccinated we got to help D.J. celebrate his 16th Birthday but there was something else as well. We got to meet our Ten Month Old granddaughter Maryam for the first time. She was instantly attracted to Kathy but as Munaf said she tends to play coy with men. We had a wonderful visit even though it was long overdue.

Kathy n her glory with Maryam.

When we got home I took my Coveralls down to the Laundry Room. Luckily nobody else was there. I had transported them home in a Plastic Shopping Bag that went straight into the Trash because it was so dirty inside. The Coveralls were so dirty I ran them through a second wash before wiping the Washer clean inside. They were that dirty. They are now hanging up to dry.

The 11 o’clock Local News reported that there were 0 New Coronavirus Cases in the Windsor/Essex Region and but there were 21 Active Cases in the area.

Our high temperature felt like 75 F (24 C) early in the day before the Rain cooled it down. There were reports of Local Flooding from the Rain today that will continue through early Saturday morning.

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


What did the firefly say to another?

You glow, girl.”


  1. I bet it was great to meet your granddaughter, COVID sure put a kink on things like that!

  2. What a beautiful little girl! Happy Birthday D.J.!

  3. Sure hope you get that other job. Great to be with the grandkids finally. Great picture of Kathy and Maryam.

  4. How nice to see the grandchildren. Happy Birthday, DJ. Maryam is a cutie.
    sorry about her knee, sometimes mine does that.
