
Monday, July 26, 2021

Robbed and A Fun Road Trip.

 Our Location today is at Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

After a good night’s sleep I felt good walking into the plant this morning that was until I reached the Compound. At first I thought that someone had again not cleaned up after using company tools. Then I noticed My Toolboxes were gone. Looking around to see cut Hoses where the Oxy-Acetylene Torch had been as well as the Portable Welding Machine missing. The new roll of MIG Wire had also been cut and taken due to its Copper Coating. They must have thought they hit the jackpot. Fools!

As soon as I notified Paul the Owner he verified that it happened on the weekend. Walking me outside behind the large Roll-Off Bin that the Roofers had placed in front of the building he showed me how they got in. An old dilapidated Roll-up Door from the early days of the building. The thieves had kicked in a panel, crawled through and had access to the entire plant. Paul’s words were “Make something so they can’t get in again”.

When we got back inside he said, “Make a list of everything Missing”. It was easy listing what Company Tools had disappeared but when it came to what was in my Two Small Toolboxes the list continued to grow throughout the day.

Around 8:30 Paul returned asking what we needed to be able to weld and run the shop again. Showing him a few things on the List he just said “Come with me”. I mentioned I should let Kharen know we were leaving. He just waved his hand in a pushing away motion.

When I asked about replacing my stolen Tools Paul said “It is what it is. You’ll have to replace them yourself”. In other words even though I use my Tools to keep this business going I have to replace them out of my own pocket. That reinforced my feeling about finding another job.

It was nearly 10:00 when we returned from the Welding Supply Company. As I was setting the Compound back up Kharen the Supervisor showed up in a Panic. He was screaming again until I assured him Paul and I were taking care of the matter. We had what we needed to weld and I was constructing a gate that would prevent any future entry. He walked away looking stunned.

Kathy had an early start to her day as well getting up at 7:00 getting things ready to go. She drove to our daughter Karen’s house in Tecumseh. She along with Melissa our daughter-in-law were have a girls day out. With both Karen and Melissa working at home since the start of the Coronavirus Lock-Downs and it is now Summer made it much easier to schedule a day off.

Their Road Trip took them all the way to Chatham about Fifty Miles down the 401 Highway. (Just the thought is making me jealous.) They checked out a number of the Small Shops as well as helping the local economy. They had lunch at the Shady Pines Restaurant all the while getting in valuable visiting time that they have missed out on due to all the Coronavirus Lock-Downs.

By the end of the shift I had all the Materials tacked together for the Security Gate. Seeing Paul I signalled him to come check it out. He pointed at me and gave me a Thumbs Up. I guess he’ll be happy. In the morning I should be able to have it completely welded within and Hour. Then I’ll be bringing everything outside to permanently install it over the old Roll-up Door.

When I arrived at the Apartment Kathy said she had been home less then Ten Minutes. She wasn’t happy to hear about my day.

Kathy remembered to use the Camera today to help document their outing and so I could write about it in the Blog but we couldn’t find it anywhere. She double checked her Purse while I searched the Car to no avail. Calling Karen resulted in her finding it on the floor of her car.

We had a Store Bought Medium Thin Crust Pizza for supper. Unfortunately it was a little too spicy for Kathy’s taste.

Our 6 o’clock Local News announced 13 New Coronavirus Cases in the Windsor/Essex Region. They believe them to be the new Delta Variant but they haven’t confirmed that yet. That also brought our Active Cases back up to 24.

Our temperature today felt like 97 F (36 C) but I didn’t have the camera to picture it.

As soon as the News was over we headed over to Karen’s in Tecumseh to retrieve the Camera. Sanford enjoyed the extra treat that Kathy always gives him.

With Thunderstorms in the forecast for later tomorrow I’m hoping to get that Security Gate completed in the morning.

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


If number Two pencils are so popular why are they still number Two?


  1. I cannot believe that creep. He should be submitting a claim for his stuff and yours to the insurance company or replacing your tools. That is so not right that you just have to suck it up. I am so sorry this happened.

    Kathy sounds like she had a wonderful day. Glad she got out.

  2. Job or no job I would have walked out of a place that thought so little of my work and me.

  3. What a horrible attitude of the owner. He could have easily added your tools to the claim for the insurance and compensated you for them. Nice that Kathy got some fun time with the family. She should get out more often.

  4. Well! Be sure to take whatever tools you have left back home. He can buy his own.

  5. Were the Police called? I would have packed up my stuff and left immediately. Does your home owners insurance cover stolen stuff?

  6. The owner of this business is a complete jerk, all he had to do was add your stolen tools to his insurance claim. Unbelievable!

  7. The owner, the supervisor, and the plant sound like a dreadful place to have to work with and at.

    I can not believe the owner is so cheap that he is not willing to replace your tools. Does he not plan to make an insurance claim so his premiums will not go up? Is he going to suck it up as well?

  8. I cant even write anything other than such a dreadful workplace.
