
Monday, July 12, 2021

Project Complete, Happy Supervisor and A Feast.

 Our Location today is at Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

After doing the Morning Walk Around I had a number of Carriers to straighten before returning to the Rack project. Trying the Big Welding Machine again ended with the result being the same as Friday. It was down for the count. The only thing I could do was to pull out the small Portable Welding Machine.

Since the Rack would be too big to fit through the Compound Door once it was assembled I had no choice but to start joining the components that I made on Friday outside the Door. Strangely I had dreamt exactly how I would do this assembly especially if I had to do it by myself. Kharen the Supervisor stopped by to see the progress. Having kept a couple of Carriers nearby I quickly hung them on the Rack to give him more prospective of what it would look like. I also pointed out the problem with the Big Welding Machine and how simple it would be to fix it. He was happy when he walked away saying he would order the parts right immediately.

Having marked where things would join together using Soapstone helped slightly in the process but it was still a job that would have gone much smoother and quicker with assistance. With lots of determination Section by Section was slowly added until the Bracing was the only thing left to do by my 1:00 lunch time.

When I told Kathy about Kharen’s reaction she wasn’t as shocked as I was. She also managed to go to Dollarama for a few food supplies between the bouts of Rain the area experienced this morning.

Within the next hour the Rack was completed but the Line Workers that will handle it made some suggestions that will easily be added in the morning. I’ve already been assigned my next project.

Since Kathy has been organizing the Fridge lately she saw things that needed to be used before they went bad so supper turned into a Feast. We shared Open-Faced Chicken Fajitas along with a Baked Potato, Caesars Salad and a bottle of Carbonated Juice (Fake Wine). We even had Fruit Cocktail as a dessert.

The 6 o’clock Local News reported that there were 7 New Coronavirus Cases in the Windsor/Essex Region that was a totalled over the last Three Days since there was no local counts on the weekend. They also reported 23 Active Cases along with another Death due to the Variant.

Our high temperature felt like 90 F (30 C) luckily it didn’t get that way until after I was home. We’ll continue to see Rain throughout this week with the possible bolt of Lightning thrown in for good measure.

There were no Job Ads today. Hopefully tomorrow will be as good a day as this was.

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


Why do centipedes have a hundred legs?

So they can walk.


  1. Sounds like it wasn't too bad of a work day for you. That's good. :)
    It sure has been humid!

  2. We had have almost constant rain the last two weeks here. Enough already. I didn't think anything would make that supervisor happy. You worked a miracle.
