
Sunday, July 18, 2021

Kathy’s Knee Improves and Commented On The Blogs.

 Our Location today is at Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

Even though I really didn’t need to be up early I was in the kitchen cutting up Vegetables by 7:30 this morning. I only used Four Eggs for this Omelette that we shared but it was too much for Kathy.

Since I have started working and been insistent that Kathy make us smaller meals she has been reducing what she eats during the day as well. Due to the heavy meal of Fish and Chips we had for supper last night we both had a restless night’s sleep. Her Knee was a little achy this morning but not the severe pain that she experienced yesterday. I advised her to continue wearing her Brace for a few more days.

It was nice to be able to enjoy our Coffee/Tea at the Computers this morning. I made certain that when I got to the Sidebar on our Blog I opened all the Blogs listed that I had not read in the last couple of days. By the time of this posting I have read and Commented on all of them today. During the week I come home so tired and dirty that I barely have a chance to read them all and no time for commenting before going to bed.

At 1:00 we decided to have the Leftover Fish and Chips for lunch so we could better digest it before going to bed. We’ll only be ordering a single meal the next time we do.

The 6 o’clock Local News again did not report anything about the Coronavirus in the Windsor/Essex Region.

Our high temperature felt like 91 F (33 C) but temperatures will be climbing again this week.

At 7:00 this evening we decided to share a Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich. We weren’t really hungry but did so just so we wouldn’t wake up hungry in the middle of the night.

While Kathy made my lunch for tomorrow I cleaned up the Dishes.

Hoping we hear some positive news tomorrow.

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


You know you’re RV trash when they post signs at Walmart saying your RV is not welcome!


  1. Glad Kathy's knee is a bit better...hope it continues to improve! And yes, fingers crossed for tomorrow.

  2. Good to hear Kathy is on the mend. Fran and I often split a meal when we eat out. But that dang See Food diet is my downfall.

  3. Didn't get a chance to comment..Happy Anniversary! Glad Kathy's knee is on the mend!
