
Monday, June 14, 2021

Carrier and Sewing Machine Repair, Along With Our Government’s Restrictions.

 Our Location today is at Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

Along with the Other Duties I had to do the Owner Paul told me to clean off another Workbench that was just outside of the Compound. The problem was that it had been used to pile all kinds of former Proto-Type Parts that have now become regular parts that are constantly being produced. Paul thought having the extra Bench would allow me to do repairs without filling the Compound itself. The Supervisor Kharin liked the idea for the Workbench but strongly objected to where those Parts were going.

The remainder of the shift I simply continued repairing Carriers and Modifying Carriers for new Parts coming on line soon.

When I walked in the Apartment Kathy was beside herself. She had been using her Sewing Machine when the Foot that holds the Material down suddenly fell off. She could not find the Owners Manual and didn’t have a clue of where things went so she asked if I could take a look at it. I was surprised that the design leaves a lot to be desired but I had it together in Ten Minutes. She says she won’t use it unless I’m home from now on.

Kathy had spent quite a bit of time on the phone today trying to schedule our Second Coronavirus Vaccines with no luck. They don’t accept walk in vaccinations in Ontario. I got comfortable using my Cell Phone with my Earbuds and less then Five Minutes later I was talking to a real person. I explained we were not being allowed to register On-Line. At first he said that was impossible but when he tried our Health Care Numbers at his end the same thing happen. Using his Official Registration Site he had us both scheduled at the Same Time on the Same Day in just over a week.

The most Sun we saw all day.

On the 6 o’clock Local News the Windsor/Essex Region had 8 New Coronavirus Cases bringing the Active Cases to 108 of which 50 were Variants of Concern.

The Humidex outside felt like 84 F (28 C) but didn’t take long to cool down after a brief afternoon shower. They are forecasting Below Average Temperatures for a few days.

We had a feast for our late supper. We had the Leftover Lasagna along with an Acorn Squash, Cinnamon Rolls for dessert and Coffee to wash it all down with.

I see there was a lot of confusion to yesterday’s Blog about the Provincial Government’s Restrictions on what stores could sell. Dollarama sells Gardening Supplies, Children’s Clothing, Greeting Cards and a few other things that they had to block off as not being able to sell. Even Walmart was only allowed to sell Groceries along with Toiletries and Pharmaceuticals and basically blocking off the rest of the store to in person shoppers. Shoppers Drug Mart however was selling everything on their shelves including Greeting Cards.

Now we are all past that stage in our lives but just think that after Three Months your kids that are growing like weeds doesn’t need new Shoes or Clothes. Right! Someone in Government didn’t think that one through to well.

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


Why shouldn’t you visit an expensive wig shop?

It’s too high a price “Toupee”.


  1. Wow, all stores have been selling everything here in BC since last summer. Its been business as usual except with masks and 6ft. I'm really surprised to hear about this restricted access to goods. Interesting.

  2. That reminded me of when Texas had Blue Laws. Glad that was not the case here.
