
Friday, May 14, 2021

More Applications, Good Interview and Book Exchange.

 Our Location today is at Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

It almost felt like we had the heat on last night but it’s been off for some time before it cooled down. When we got up this morning the temperature was already in the low Fifties.

Looking outside there was that glorious Sun again. Almost sounds like we’re bragging but after not seeing it for weeks on end it’s a good way to show that we appreciate it.

Even with an Interview scheduled for later this afternoon I still applied for another Job this morning. An Interview does not guarantee a Job. I even managed to get most of the morning Blogs read this morning but stopped because instead of waiting until after lunch to exercise I chose to do it before today.

It seems that these Lock-Downs are affecting how we feel so I needed to take a break this week. That meant that I started with a Single Set of limited routines today designed to tighten things up without overdoing it.

We had Grilled Cheese Sandwiches with Olives for garnishings for lunch along with Mandarin Orange Slices, a leftover Rolly-Polly each and Chocolate Pudding Cups for dessert.

Not wanting to be home alone Kathy finally took my advice along with that of our daughter Karen to go out for a walk. Under the Lock-Down guidelines people are able to go for walks outside as a form of exercise. Up to this point she resisted the suggestion then always said she didn’t have any energy.

I had time to swing by Guardian Storage to check on the Trailer before retrieving our Mail before heading to the Interview. I still arrived with plenty of time but it’s better to be early.

The person that interviewed me was Kharen who also is the Shop Supervisor. He had me fill in an application with information that was not on my Resume. Then we walked around the plant where he explained what they made and what my duties would be to make certain that their operations ran smoothly. Then he took me to the Welding Shop where most of my work would take place. It looked like the floor was used as a Scrap Box.

Back in the office I was introduced to Steve the Owner. He basically restated the same as Kharen had already said then mentioned about keeping my Work Area clean unlike what the former Welder had done. Having Pride in your work and a Clean Work Area makes for a Safe environment. Unlike other Interviews I’ve recently had I will be starting my first shift on Monday.

Back in the Apartment I found Kathy doing more cleaning. She was feeling invigorated after her short walk. Having decided to walk through the Neighbourhood behind the buildings rather then the Ganatchio Trail she came across a small Book Exchange Library in someone’s front yard. She’ll be bringing books with her on future walks.

On the 6 o’clock Local News we learned there was 1 New Coronavirus Death in the Windsor/Essex Region along with 41 New Cases in the area bringing the total Active Cases to 343.

The high temperature for our area today reached 72 F (22 C).

Supper was Macaroni and Cheese along with the Leftover Biscuits from last night’s dinner with Vera and the last Two Rolly-Pollies for dessert.

We later watched Two Episodes of “Blue Bloods” later this evening.

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


Words of Inspiration

Beauty comes in all forms. It’s not just external, it’s internal as well.

Alessia Cara


  1. Replies
    1. I concur! Congratulations! Congrats to Kathy too, getting out for the first walk is the hardest. More and more home owners are offering a book exchange and I love them! Easy in and out. ;) What are your shift hours?

  2. Rick, congrats on the job and stay safe.

  3. Congratulations on the new job. I'm sure that is a relief after all this time :-)

  4. Congratulations Rick! I love those library boxes even though I don't use them myself I think its a fantastic idea and I have put books into them.

  5. I do most of my reading on Kindle. But I've been some of those boxes. Great idea. I do get some books from the library in the summer when the granddaughters visit. A condition of them visiting is frequent library visits. Good luck and let us know more about the job situation. Inquiring minds want to know!

  6. Very happy to hear it went well Richard!! Good luck on Monday! Keep us posted!

  7. I hope that the job proves to be a good fit with you and lasts as long as you want it to .

  8. Yahoo!!! Your persistence paid off. I guess that the 5th application was the charm.
