
Thursday, May 6, 2021

Changing Weather, Four Shoppers and Lower Numbers.

 Our Location today is at Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

Making certain not to drink any Caffeinated drinks after supper I managed to have another good night’s sleep last night. The only thing I remembered was laying down in bed and opening my eyes this morning.

The Sun was shining but Clouds were starting to appear along the horizon. Checking The Weather Network and the Radar on the Computers showed there was a good possibility we would have a wet afternoon.

When Kathy joined me for breakfast she mentioned also having a good night’s sleep. Before sitting down at the Computers I mentioned the need to go shopping this morning and suggested that it would be a good reason for getting out. It was nearly 11:00 by the time we headed out the door and the sky was starting to fill with Clouds.

Our first stop was the Shoppers Drug Mart on Menard Street which is the closest location to our building. Kathy also came in checking for things she might need while I went to gather the Vitamins that will soon be needed for our Pill Doucettes. Since the start of the Coronavirus last year Doctors and Public Health Officials have been telling everyone the benefits of Vitamin Supplements to help boost their Immune Systems. I seldom had any problem finding the Vitamins we needed before but since then it’s become a problem.

One of the reasons that I do this type of shopping on Thursdays is that Shoppers has Seniors Discounts every Thursday. The Discount is normally Twenty Percent Off anything not “On-Sale” and if it is normally it’s Half Priced. It now seems that others are thinking the same way which is making it harder for me to do one stop shopping.

After only finding a few of the Vitamins we needed I purchased them and we headed to the Shoppers Drug Mart at the Tecumseh Mall. Kathy stayed in the Car while I went in to get what was needed. They had less Vitamins on their shelves then the first store.

It was nearly noon so we headed cross the road to the Wendy’s Drive-Thru where we ordered Chicken Wraps, Small Chocolate Frosties and Seniors Soft Drinks all for less then Ten Dollars. There was a short line when we arrived and a much longer one the entire time we ate lunch in the parking lot.

We headed towards the Shoppers Drug Mart at Banwell Road by our old apartment. Again Kathy stayed in the Car. Seeing so many people out was making her nervous because of her Weakened Immune System. I managed to get One of the Vitamins we needed.

Finally heading over to the Shoppers Drug Mart on Manning Road Kathy waited while I went in. We are very definite about the Multi-Vitamins we get because of Kathy’s Allergies to Shell Fish that many use in their products. We also take many of the same vitamins to make it less confusing so when I saw they didn’t have what we needed I had to go to Plan B. I figured there were enough Multi-Vitamins at home for Kathy so I got something different just for me that way we would both have enough.

It was past 1:30 by the time we got back to the Apartment and it looked like it was about to Rain. The sky was totally filled with Clouds.

Kathy walking ahead towards the back door.
This is where the Wind often funnels between the buildings.

Back at the Computers I checked a few Job Ads before logging in all the Vitamins we had just gotten into our Spreadsheet. When I do the Doucettes I’ll then remove the number used from the count.

It was Raining by the time we worked together prepping the ingredients for our Chicken Fajitas that we topped off with our Carbonated Juice (Fake Wine). The best part is there is more for another meal.

Definitely Raining.

On the 6 o’clock Local News they reported 40 New Coronavirus Cases in the Windsor/Essex Region bringing the Active Cases to 367.

Our high temperature only reached 54 F (12 C) this afternoon.

We watched a new “Law and Order Special Victims” later this evening.

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


Words of Inspiration

Character is defined by how we treat those who society says have no value.

Dr. Drew Pinsky

1 comment:

  1. That is crazy! How sad that Shoppers' doesn't have the vitamins. I guess you're fortunate you are in a big area to find 3 close by. :( glad it worked out!
