
Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Wakeful Night and Busy With Errands.

 Our Location today is at Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

By the time I finished writing last night’s Blog Kathy was already in bed asleep. I was only minutes behind and was asleep the minute I lay down but that was short lived. Two Hours later I was staring at the ceiling. By 3:00 I simply got up and took a Melatonin Tablet before tipping back in my Recliner because it takes a while to work. It’s amazing how long a Minute let alone an Hour can be while you stare at the Clock. Suddenly the Clock seemed to disappear for a few minutes. That was the signal that I needed to go back to bed but once I was again lying down it took another Twenty Minutes before sleep returned.

When the Alarm went off at 7:30 this morning it would have been easy to simply roll over but it was time to start our day. Even though Kathy had slept soundly getting up that early was not to her liking. An Hour later we were heading out the door.

The moment we arrived we were surprised to find the Doors locked with a Sign stating Temporary Hours 9:30 am to 4:30 pm. Haven’t seen hours like that in years but it must be due to the Coronavirus Lock-Down. When the time came Kathy was one of the first to be in the door yet was there the longest.

Our next stop was to our Accountant’s Office to drop off our Income Tax Return with all the needed Documents. Like last year there was a Catch Box inside that captured those documents coming through the Mail Slot.

Our next stop was Guardian Storage to collect the one piece of Junk Mail that was there.

It’s been a couple of Months since we’ve filled the Car with gasoline and since the prices are continuing to climb we stopped at the Pioneer gas station to filled up before the prices increase again.

Back at the Apartment we were just opening our Computers when Kathy’s Hearing Aids started warning her that the Batteries were dying. When she went to change them she found those were the last Two. A quick call to Hearing Life had Tina filling an order for Kathy that would be ready in Five Minutes. We arrived Thirty Minutes later where Kathy found her order in Bin One.

We were getting quite hungry by the time we got back to the Apartment for the second time in one day. We used the Leftover Spanish Rice and some Leftover Ham to make lunch. We also tried a Peanut Butter Crunch Bar with a Fruit Cocktail Cup for dessert.

Even though we were both struggling to stay awake I managed to submit Two more Job Applications. Kathy got some research finished but not until it was nearly time for the 6 o’clock Local News.

Today's High. Thirteen Hours of Daylight.

The Ontario Provincial Government has changed this to a Mandatory Stay In Place which exceeds a Lock-Down. There was more discussion about the Efficacy of the different Vaccines. Then there was talk about speeding up the vaccination process. As for the Windsor/Essex Region we had 2 New Coronavirus Deaths bringing the area Total to 405. One was an Eighty Year Old male and a Ninety Year Old male that were both living in their own homes. There were 40 New Cases bringing the Total Active Cases 404.

We had a Medium Store Bought Thin Crust Pizza for supper.

We finished our evening by watching “Bull”, “Nancy Drew” and “The Equalizer”.

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment unless it personally attacks someone for their comment or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


Two fish are in a tank. One fish turns to the other and says, “You man the guns. I’ll drive.”


  1. Replies
    1. I realized that the two who died did NOT get the vaccine but when they didn't go out ever, how do these people contract the virus? Sad.

  2. Can you send some of that weather this way? Since we've been back home 🏡 it's been a cold spring. We should have south a little longer. take care
