
Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Bright White and Cold.

 Our Location today is at Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to Enlarge.

As expected the overnight temperature hoovered around the Zero F Mark and felt colder. Knowing that was going to happen we left the Bed Cover on for added warmth. Unfortunately when one feels warm and tosses them off when the cold finally arrived I needed to get up to put the Cover back on the bed. They never came off the rest of the night.

I was up by 8:15 and opened the Balcony Blinds the first thing. There was plenty of the Fine White Powder on our Bike Cover, potted Trees along with the neighbouring landscape but there was hardly anything on all the vehicles in the parking lot.

The Winter Storm Warnings we received yesterday had forecasted between Six to Ten Inches of Accumulation. What I was seeing outside was far from that possibly Four Inches at best.

When Kathy joined me we finished the breakfast pastries we had treated ourselves to the other day. Knowing that the Storm was not over we just decided to hang around for the Apartment for the day. If the Streets had been plowed than they had surely been salted and we were in no hurry to expose our vehicles to that.

As mentioned in yesterday’s Blog I planned to address the Age Discrimination with the Local Human Rights Counsel. Since Phone Books have suddenly become a thing of the past I went On-Line to get the information I needed. What I got was a Web-Site that had you chasing shadows with no Phone Number. The one thing they did state was that if I felt I was being Discriminated about my age just not to fill in that space but don’t be surprised if I wasn’t chosen. So basically I Discriminated against whether I state my age or not.

There were no new jobs posted today. By noon the Flurries finally stopped and the Sun came out lifting both our spirits. With the warm temperature of 19 F (-7 C) just by the light of the Sun shining for Five Minutes we started seeing Water dripping from Balconies above us.

For lunch Kathy served the Leftover Celery Root by breading it and sauteing it in the frying pan. She also served Grapes, Maple Cookies and Apple Sauce Cups for dessert.

We accomplished a few things at the Computers. Since the Provincial Government moved to allow Non-Essential Businesses in our region begin to reopen effective today we received calls from Fantastic Sam’s booking us for much needed haircuts and from Healthy Heals for Kathy’s foot care.

I was able to double my workout routines today slowly bring myself to where I was when my old Back Injury flared up.

For supper we had a Store Bought Medium Thin Crust Hawaiian Pizza with the last of the Grapes for dessert. The Grapes purchased at the Zehr’s grocery store were grown in Peru and were Three Times the size of Grapes we normally get. They were very Meaty with no Seeds and very Tasty.

Our High Temperature for today.

On the 6 o’clock Local News they reported Nineteen New Coronavirus Cases but no new Deaths. They started showing video of the many parts of the city of Windsor with over a foot of accumulation. Since the Storm came from the Southwest it’s likely that the East side of the city took less of a hit. Plows have been busy all day clearing the Main Roads but should be able to do the Side Streets starting tomorrow. Even though tonight is supposed to be the Coldest Night we have had so far this season by the beginning of next week we could be seeing above seasonal temperatures. In other words Above Freezing temperatures.

I've got big hands.

We’ll see what tomorrow brings.

Thank you for following along and feel free to leave a comment. Everyone is entitled to their opinion unless it personally attacks someone for their comment or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


Husband: “The weather is lovely today. Shall we go out for a quick jog?”

Wife: “Ha ha ha, I love the way you pronounce Shall we go out and have cake!”


  1. Those covers would have never ended up in the floor at my house. I hate cold weather and tonight we are expecting more snow. I thought I lived in Texas, not Canada :-(

  2. Maybe that's a big grape! Though I know some people are sensitive about hand size. Yup, along with Ms Belinda, I can say it is cold down here. Never have seen zero in my 75 years, but I have now. Lived through it, luckily, since we're not very equipped for that here. But I have seen 5.
    Anyway, one more day and things will be looking up.
