
Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Both Restless, Environmental Videos, Numbers Down, Deaths Up and Storm Still Coming.

 Our Location today is at Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to Enlarge.

Getting to bed before midnight is starting to be a habit lately. I did sleep slightly past 8:00 but it seemed that I was looking at the Clock every Hour throughout the night. Even with the Electric Heat warming the floors the very cold outside temperatures can be felt radiating through the walls. A few of the times I woke I was laying on top of the bed covers shivering not under them keeping warm. That is so unlike me.

I finally had to open the Window Blinds and Kiss Kathy to wake her or we’d have been having an early lunch. She didn’t fall asleep until around 4:00 so that was understandable. We’d rather be awake during the day so we’ll sleep at night.

The only jobs being advertised this morning were in the Health Care field. I can work on Machines but not Bodies.

This was how it looked all day.

Most RVers are very conscious about protecting the environment. Reading Contessa’s blog 5C’s Que Pasa she found a couple of special You-Tube videos that remind us just how fragile our planet is through art. If you click on her blog link you’ll see what I mean. Enjoy!

For our late lunch we had Herbed Chicken and Rice along with a dish of Fruit Cocktail as well a Chocolate Wafer Cookie for dessert.

It took quite some time for lunch to settle so I had to shorten my workout because Kathy was nearly ready to serve supper. She served Perogies with Bacon and Niblet Corn as sides then topped it off with a Yogurt Cup along with Cookies for dessert.

We were still eating when the 6 o’clock Local News started. The News was both good and bad. Today the Windsor/Essex area only had 60 New Coronavirus Cases but it also had 10 Deaths all in Assisted Living Homes. Our Canadian Government finally made a deal to bring back Vaccine Production back to our Country but we still won’t be able to get the Coronavirus Vaccine until the end of the Summer. The bad weather forecasted for today was miles away and won’t arrive in our area for a couple more days but then we should be seeing Four Days of Flurries. Looks like we’ll be doing our grocery shopping sooner then we planned.

With Kathy having had a Severe Reaction to the new Shingles Vaccine last year she is a little concerned about the Coronavirus Vaccine itself. We’d appreciate hearing from anyone who does get it.

Thank you for following along and feel free to leave a comment. Everyone is entitled to their opinion unless it personally attacks someone for their comment or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


You know your getting old when

Getting Lucky means you found your car in the parking lot.


  1. I hate nights when I wake at 2 or 3 and can't go back to sleep. Good for you for doing your workout!

  2. I had signed us up with the local hospital 3 weeks ago to get the shot. We waited, waited, waited for a call. Then we were told they gave shots at the local Heath Department. So on Monday we went over there. We both got the lst Moderna shot. Only reaction was a tender arm. Then first thing Tuesday morning guess who called???? The hospital. We go back March 1 for 2nd shot. We will see if any further reaction. Just glad to have gotten it.

  3. Hope Kathy doesn't have a reaction. Looks like an artic chill is going to hit the middle part of the country. Stay warm.

  4. I know you have explained why you get up early even though you are retired and not necessarily need to be somewhere at any given time...something to do with the way your dad raised you.

    What I do not understand is why Kathy has to follow your same philosophy when she can sleep to her hearts desire. With as little as I sleep due to my severe insomnia, if my husband (which thankfully I do not have) did that to me...he would be my ex-husband.

  5. I'm laughing at MsBelinda so I lost my train of thought. Oh yes. Vaccines. I had the Moderna today and no problem so far. This was only the first shot. I do have a friend of my age (75) who had the first one with no problem, but had the second one yesterday and is having fever, though last night's chills are gone and the fever is kept down with tylenol, and body aches. This is not uncommon. I think younger people have it even with the first shot. I had the old shingles vaccine with no problem. The newer one I have not had, as my doctor was not enthusiastic, and my shingles outbreaks, which are usually mild, have been reduced even further by taking lysine daily. So. I'd suggest she talk with her doctor about it. There will be different types available more and more, and if you're going to be waiting til the end of summer anyway, there should be more helpful information available.
