
Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Lost Internet, Photographed Angels and More Cases.

 Our Location today is at Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to Enlarge.

Even though I was again laying awake through the night I simply stayed in bed. It took longer then wanted but I eventually fell back to sleep. When 7:30 rolled around I started my day.

Looking outside was like looking at a reflection of yesterday with very little change except that it was actually cooler according to The Weather Network.

We spoke of what we hoped to accomplish before going to the Computers. I managed to quickly check everything I needed before going to the Blogs we follow. I then open all the Blogs that published since last night before reading any of them. That’s when it happen!

Kathy said she couldn’t get On-Line and no matter what we did we could not get her computer to do so. Suddenly even my Computer was Off-Line. Fortunately I was still able to read all the Blogs I had opened but there was no way to comment on them.

When I called our Cable/Internet Provider there was a recording stating that the Internet was down in quite a number of Counties in the Province and was being worked on.

Kathy wanted to pack away the Christmas Decorations and I wanted to photograph her Ceramic Angel Ornaments with the Big Camera so we started working together. The Auto Focus on the Camera kept changing because it tried to focus on the needles ahead of the Angel. The only way to make it focus was by Manually Focusing each and every Angel.

Each Angel I photographed I would remove from the Tree so Kathy could wrap it in Bubble Wrap and put them in the Storage Bin. We spent over an Hour doing that before stopping to eat.

For lunch we had Split Pea Soup along with a Yogurt Cup and a couple of Cookies for dessert.

After verifying that the Internet was still down we continued doing the Angels until we finished just before 3:00 this afternoon. Everything is packed away and only needs to be stored. As for the Photos I still have to process the nearly Hundred Pictures.

Around 4:00 our Internet finally came back on after being down for nearly Five Hours.

For supper we had Thin Sliced Potatoes that Kathy sauteed and precooked Spare Ribs that were heated in the Microwave. We shared a bottle of Carbonated Juice (Fake Wine) as well as the last of the Fruit Cake we had in stock.

On the 6 o’clock Local News they talked about the Cogeco Internet System going down. More Coronavirus Cases and Deaths in our area. Weather wise we might see the Sun this coming weekend with temperatures around the Freezing Mark with only lite Flurries.

After cleaning up the Dishes we finally had the chance to finish reading the Blogs we follow. Thank you for following along and feel free to leave a comment.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


I have a new theory about inertia but it doesn’t seem to be gaining momentum.


  1. They should give you a credit for the internet being down. Them ribs sure look good.

  2. I know your internet pain!! LOL. It's funny how much that connections means to us.

  3. I knew something was up when you commented so late in the day... The angels are beautiful.

  4. I feel bad for the poor kiddies who are supposed to be learning online. Frequent outages are common in my very rural area.

  5. Losing internet or losing electricity- don't know which is worse but both are bad. I'm glad you're back up and running now. We broke another daily death toll in the states at 3756. Hope it stops soon.

  6. When I had DISH (my former Internet service) they were constantly going down at least yours is more stable.

    Our Covid-19 cases are also increasing.
