
Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Up and Down, Badly Timed Calls, White Flakes.

 Our Location today is at Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to Enlarge.

It blew me away when I saw that I was actually getting to bed before Midnight yesterday. I should not have celebrated so soon. I woke at 2:00 while turning over and managed to get back to sleep by 3:30. By 4:00 I again turned over and fell back to sleep by 5:30. This time I slept until 7:00 and after laying there for only a Half Hour I just got up to start my day.

Looking through the railing you can see
the drifting starting on the asphalt.

I opened the Balcony Blinds, turned on the Computers then got things ready for breakfast. It was at that point that I looked outside to see lots of Fine White Flakes going by the door.

Sitting at the Computer I was struggling to keep my eyes open but as soon as I leaned back in the Recliner roused to total wakefulness. Looking at the Clock I was doing well getting caught up on checking the Weather and News along with reading Blogs.

With the Weather the way it was I was just going leave Kathy sleep in. That was when her Cell Phone went off. Since Kathy normally carries her Cell Phone in her Purse and the only way she can hear it is to have it cranked loud. At night we place them in a Basket on our dining table across the room from where we sit at the Computers. By the time I crossed the room, answered her Phone only to hear a Computerized Voice say to me “Good-Bye” Kathy was awake. That hasn’t happened in a long time but we’ll be shutting them down at night again.

After breakfast it actually was getting hard to see outside for a while but with the Thirty MPH Wind Gusts it left little chance of accumulation.

Lunch was Chicken Noodle Soup with part of a Homemade Pecan Pie that Kathy made and a shared Apple for dessert.

Back at the Computers we continued making progress on our research. It’s the perfect time being inside with nowhere or want to go.

I started exercising around 2:30 but try as hard as I could I did not have the energy to get beyond the First Set. It bothered me but there was no way of continuing. It wouldn’t be until we were about to have supper that I realized why. By not getting enough SLEEP my body did not have the energy I needed to do a full routine.

Kathy breaded and pan fried some Frozen Salmon Fillets that she had defrosted to go along with the last of the Broccoli she steamed.

Before supper could be served Mary from Healthy Heals called to Post-Pone Kathy’s appointment scheduled for tomorrow. With the area being pushed into Shutdown by the Province the Local Health Unit forced all At-Home Health Services to also shut down. We rescheduled into January and will hope things are mostly back to normal by that time. In the meantime I’ll work on Kathy’s Feet.

Supper was delicious as we added Carbonated Juice for a drink and Chocolate Pudding Cups for dessert.

The 6 o’clock Local News talked mostly about the Coronavirus and Vaccine adding that we should still continue the Safety Protocols until after the area has been Immunized.

Tomorrow we’ll try to get done what we didn’t do today. Thank you for following along and feel free to leave a comment.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


Knock, knock.

Who’s there?

Control freak.

Okay now you say “Control freak who?”


  1. I'm hoping after they give out all that vaccine that they will open things up again. I won't be taking it myself, but maybe it will make them THINK the virus has gone away and businesses can reopen.

  2. We silence our phones at night so that can't happen. Harry has an app on his that allows just certain calls to come through in case of emergency, like from family members.

  3. I actually think the same way as Nancy and now with the "new" president coming in somehow he'll get the credit of ending the pandemic..I also will NOT be getting the vaccine! At least you got a little exercise in! :)

  4. At least you tried to get your exercise in. Walking is my only exercise and it is iffy each day. Hopefully things turn around early next year and we can all get back to normal.

  5. The info on this vaccine is pretty interesting. From what I have read the vaccine won't prevent you from getting the virus. If you get the vaccine and still become infected you won't get as sick. And you will probably have to get a booster shot. Nothing like just "winging it".

  6. Would have to agree with what Nancy, Shirley, and Elva said. I read that just because you get the vaccine does not mean you can stop wearing a mask or following all the same precautions we are now. We will be waiting quite a while before we get in line for that vaccine. Besides looking at the priority list we are pretty far down the line.
    Glad you got in some exercise.

  7. Brr. Glad you stayed in on such a day! I am curious, as your wake times seem to follow the usual duration of REM sleep, which occurs several times a night. In my old age, I find mine are about the same. Wondering if your sleep lab has anything to say about that. I guess I could do some online research. Maybe I"ve just started that! Here's too a longer more solid sleep tonight!

  8. I do not usually have my cellphone on but when I took it out to take a picture I forgot to turn it off. The next morning I woke up to a terrible high pitch sound at 6:03 a.m. it was an Amber alert.

    I could not go back to sleep so now I make sure the darn phone is on OFF when I go to bed.
