
Monday, December 14, 2020

Defragging Kathy’s Computer, Electoral Vote, Coronavirus Vaccines and Working-Out.

 Our Location today is at Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to Enlarge.

It was nice that both slept like couple of rocks last night. It is strange how we can’t seem to sleep even when we use something to do so then all of a sudden “No Problem” with no help.

I was up minutes after 8:00 and did my routine before heading to the Computers. Last night before turning in I set Kathy’s Computer to Defrag and mine to get rid of Cookies (not the tasty ones) and Spyware. (Still haven’t been able to locate our Browsing History but will not give up.) Kathy joined me around 9:00.

After having Toasts we took our morning drinks over to the Computers. On the Windsor Star site showed that City Bylaw Officers are actually going around issuing tickets to those who are refusing to wear Masks and businesses not following protocol. One fine was issued for $850.00.

We were keeping ourselves engaged to the point we didn’t realize it was nearly 1:00 and hadn’t had lunch yet. The quickest and easiest thing to have was a Store Bought Medium Thin Crust Pizza. Since this was slightly smaller it was done to perfection in Twelve Minutes. We also had a Chocolate Pudding Cup and shared an Apple for dessert.

Lately I’ve mentioned that when we’ve been drinking Tea for lunch it seems that I am having to wait until it settles before I can exercise. I noticed one day that I only drank Water with my meal it did not seem so bad. Today I drank Coffee and strangely had no ill effects.

Looking out the Balcony Door towards the Ganatchio Trail the few people we saw out there were well bundled wearing Gloves and Toques. Checking The Weather Network they showed our high for today as being 36 F (2 C) but with the Northwest Breeze it felt more like 28 F (-2 C).

We cleaned up the Dishes and Kitchen before returning to the Computers. Since we didn’t check all weekend we checked the US News Media and were in for a surprise. They were tabulating the Electoral College Vote and they were also showing the first Health Care Workers receiving the Covid-19 Vaccine.

Even with the television on in the background I spent time getting my entire workout completed with the end result being no Aches or Pains.

We switched over to our 6 o’clock Local News. They covered the Electoral College Vote and the start of the Vaccines in the US. They continued say that Vaccines in Canada could start as soon as next week. They also spoke of Nineteen New Coronavirus Cases that were all under investigation which means they are not real cases just people that may have been exposed to the Coronavirus. We were warned of a Below Seasonal Temperatures for tonight and tomorrow. Tonight we’ll go down to 16 F (-9 C) feeling like 5 F (-15 C) because of the Northwest Winds.

For supper we had Eggs and Toast along with a Chocolate Pudding CupWe’ll try to venture out tomorrow. Thank you for following along and feel free to leave a comment.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


I went shopping for some camouflage trousers, but I couldn’t find any.


  1. Computers can drive a person crazy for sure! The pizza looks yummy and a good comfort food!

  2. It was a good day to stay indoors if you could because of that wind. Worse today me thinks, we got a dumping overnight.

  3. Cleaning computers. What fun. That breakfast plate looks delicious 😋 I think that's what I'll have this morning.

  4. Cleaning out computers never a fun time though it sounds like it was a perfect weather day to stay in and do it. Stay safe.

  5. Oh dear. I've just had supper, but the eggs and toast look so good I am tempted again! Glad you are staying warm. Hope you can bear being outside tomorrow....somehow just a short time seems to help me! Stay safe.

  6. Certain teas unsettle my stomach. However I do use peppermint tea to settle my gut when irritated and it works well.
