
Sunday, October 4, 2020

Thirteen Hour Sleep, Eating Lite, More Exercise and “First Ladies”.

 Our Location today is at Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to Enlarge

As mentioned in last night’s Blog Kathy was in bed real early while I finished writing up the post. I know for a fact that I was sleeping as soon as my head hit the pillow from all the Fresh Air and Exercise we had. I did wake to the sound of Kathy talking in her sleep around 5:00 which is something she never does. It was after 8:00 when I started getting things ready for breakfast. It was Raining fairly steady making it look like it was still night-time outside.

I managed to get quite a bit of my morning reading done before Kathy finally woke around 9:30. She had slept for nearly Thirteen Hours making up for all the restless nights that she has been having lately. As we had breakfast she recounted that she hasn’t dreamed in years but last night was dreaming when her kids were in school. That explained the talking.

We settled in at the Computers with our hot drinks. Having had a late breakfast we waited until 1:30 before having Chicken with Rice Soup for lunch then a Yogurt Cup for dessert.

We both accomplished a few chores before Kathy sat down to do some reading and I did some exercising. When I don’t stick to my routine it is always a chore to get back into it and when I donate Blood there is no heavy lifting for a couple of days which can and has caused a Rebleed.

By 5:30 it seemed the Soup was no longer holding our hunger off so Kathy made Spaghettini for supper along with Baked (Nuked) Apples for dessert. As we were enjoying our meal we were listening to the 6 o’clock Local News. We only had One new Coronavirus Case in our area today but Quebec was having a major spike in Cases. They also talked about the President still being Hospitalized from the Virus and that he’s needed Oxygen a few times.

The Rain continued an On/Off routine all day but we finally saw a little Sunshine along the Horizon while the Sun was setting.

We’ve already had our showers so we can continue watching the Sunday Night Special on First Ladies. Thank you for following along and feel free to leave a comment.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


My friend told me this joke about a party host who made his guest line up for juice. I can’t remember the entire joke anymore. All I know is that there was a long punch line.


  1. 'They' say that we're to get 85mm starting Thursday. Last time they said that it turned into 21.8 so we'll see what we end up with.

  2. I am glad both you and Kathy got a good night's rest. I also watched the First Ladies Special and enjoyed it very much. I am looking forward to next week's as Jackie Kennedy is my favorite First Lady.

  3. There's nothing like a good nights sleep!

  4. Wow 13 hours! Nice if you can get it...Sure wish we could get some rain for sure!
