
Sunday, October 25, 2020

The Clock Did It, Cleaning Up and Eleanor Roosevelt.

 Our Location today is at Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to Enlarge.

We both slept so soundly last night we slightly over slept this morning but it wasn’t our fault. We both have a tendency to look at the Clock in our bedroom throughout the night and basically use that as a reference as to when we get up. The Digital Clocks we have were both purchased in 2004 as replacements to those we lost in a House Fire. They were programmed to change their time according to Daylight Savings Time as it was that year. Since then DST has been changed to start Three Weeks earlier and One Week later. When I looked at the Clock at 7:00 I simply rolled over for a few more minutes of rest not realizing the Clock had ended its DST programming through the night.

It was only minutes later when Kathy joined me. I was still in the process of getting things ready for breakfast. It was a typical morning enjoying our hot brews while trying to catch up on what is happening in the world on our Computers as well as doing our morning chores.

When it came time for lunch today we had Campbell’s Italian Wedding Soup along with Grapes, Cookies and Yogurt Cups for dessert.

When we finished our lunch drinks Kathy enlisted my help. She always accomplishes a lot of cleaning and dusting throughout the Apartment but she can’t move our Recliner Love-Seat because it’s just too heavy. This was only the second time that she had me move it so you can imaging how much Dust there was underneath. I also moved the End-Tables as well so we should be breathing much better.

For supper Kathy had a craving for Pancakes so I had mine with Butter and she had her’s with Chocolate Chips in it.

We finished just as the 6 o’clock Local News was starting. Our temperatures are going to dip below seasonal in the next couple of days. Ontario recorded its highest one day Coronavirus Case increase since March.

We watched the special “First Ladies” tonight and learned a lot about Eleanor Roosevelt. She was an activist before her time and used her position as First Lady to help accomplish many of those changes.

With cooler temperatures heading our way we’ve got things to do. Thank you for following along and feel free to leave a comment.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


You Might Be a Redneck If

Taking your wife on a cruise means circling the Dairy Queen.


  1. I do not envy your low temperatures one bit...brrrrr!

    I so enjoyed tonight's episode of "First Ladies" it was very educational and something that was never taught to me in school. I had no idea how hands on Eleanor Roosevelt was in her husband's administration and of her immense popularity with the citizenry.

    Your lunch dessert plate looks like a croissant rather than cookies but either way it looks delicious.

  2. I also enjoy Italian wedding soup and I agree about the croissant. I think someone changed their mind. :)
    Bundle up, cool temps are afoot!

  3. That's interesting about your Covid numbers. You have all been locked down with masks, right? Yet the numbers seem to rise. Seems to be the case everywhere.

  4. Aha. So the wedding soup is Campbell's. Maybe then I will have a good chance of finding it. Thanks. I'm not sure, but I'm guessing the USA time change is next weekend. If so, I'm already in bad shape. I keep waking earlier and earlier, and wanting to go to bed earlier and earlier. So NOW I will set my clock back??? Well, I guess it will work out. Not like I have a job to get to at 8AM.
