
Saturday, August 29, 2020

Fall-Like Weather, Appointment, Errands and Golf Tournament.

Our Location today is at Windsor, Ontario.
Click on the pictures to Enlarge

Most times in the past whenever we needed to set the alarm to wake up we’d spend most of the night tossing and turning until it was time to get up. Last night we both cheated by taking something to help us sleep. Kathy took a Tylenol Night-Time tablet while I took a Melatonin tablet about a Half Hour before saying good night. The results were we both slept soundly and I shut the alarm Two Minutes before its set time.
Breakfast was simply a bowl of Cereal without even having our morning Coffee-Tea because what goes in will have to come out. While Kathy finished getting ready the only thing I checked on the Computer was The Weather Network to see what we could expect. The forecast appeared to be almost Fall-Like Weather with gusting Winds to boot.
We were out the door before 9:00 and soon heading west bound on Riverside Drive. Even though our forecast was for no Rain looking at the Clouds that blanketed the area we were starting to think we’d get hit with worse then yesterday.
It was 9:12 when I dropped Kathy at the front door of Windsor Regional Hospital’s Metropolitan Campus. She had been told to be there a Half Hour before her 9:45 MRI Appointment. After stopping at Admitting to answer questions on how she was feeling then having her Temperature taken she was released to continue. She was the only one in the Waiting Room and was taken in righted on time. She has been having issues with her Knee so before the test began they propped it up on a Special Pillow. Kathy was told to hold perfectly still during the test but then the Technician said the Pillow had shifted and they had to redo the entire MRI.

Due to earlier hospital restrictions I stayed in the Car keeping a close eye on the door. Little did I know about the delay. I even walked around the entrance to be certain that was where she would exit. Finally Kathy called to say what door she had just exited.
Without our morning beverages the small amount of cereal we had was no longer keeping us satisfied and we still had a few more stops to make. We stopped at Wendy’s just after 11:00 where we each had a Chicken Wrap, Small Chocolate Frosty and Seniors Soft Drinks for only $7.41 total. While we sat in the Car eating lunch we were joined by many others doing the same thing. I guess it’s the new way of eating in.
Our next stop was Dollarama where we picked up a number of Food Stocks. As I’ve mentioned before that those purchases are Half the price charged at the grocery stores.
Next we had to go to Zehr’s grocery store to get such things as Produce and Frozen Foods. Trying to save time while Kathy went to get things in the Pharmacy Section I went to get Paper Towels. There was hardly any Toilet Paper and no Paper Towels. I didn’t think we were into a second wave of Coronavirus just yet.
After leaving there we stopped at Shoppers Drug Mart to pick up a few things. They had plenty of Toilet Paper but only a few Two Packs of the smaller bargain brand of Paper Towels but they’ll hold us over.
When we arrived at our Building there was an Ambulance at the front entrance so I dropped Kathy off at the rear entrance before parking the Car. Inside the Apartment we worked together putting everything away. We finally spent more time getting caught up on our Computer reading.
Salad without the Chicken.
Chicken after the Salad.
Just after 5:00 Kathy started frying a couple of Chicken Breast as well as making our dessert plates with Pecan Tarts and Yogurt Cups. I busied myself making a Garden Salad seasoned with a Raspberry Vinaigrette. The Chicken wasn’t quite ready yet so we ended up eating our Salad before it was fully cooked.
I thought with the damage being cause by Hurricane Laura we could watch the Local News at 6:00. Would you believe they were still having a Golf Tournament? How is that even possible?
Tonight's Sunset.
We watched a Movie before watching the 11 o’clock Local News out of London. It has been just over a week that our region has gone to Phase 3 of the Coronavirus Recovery and just today we had 29 New Cases reported. We can also expect a few more cooler days before returning to seasonal temperatures. Thank you for following along and feel free to leave a comment.
Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.

Words of Inspiration

The best way out is always through.

Robert Frost, Poet.


  1. Nice to get the running around done. The weather is certainly on a roller coaster this summer!

  2. Interesting they didn't cancel the golf. They must not have been hit hard at that location.

  3. Our county had no cases for four weeks, then two health care workers, who work in the city, tested positive. They are from the very bottom edge of our county which bumps right against Ottawa. We're really keeping it at bey out our way.
