
Thursday, July 9, 2020

Uncovering The Television Cabinet, Talking With The Building Manager and Hotter Then Quartzsite.

Our Location today is at Windsor, Ontario.
Click on the pictures to Enlarge

I made certain not to Plan to get up early today because every time I do we sleep in. Instead I only hoped we’d get an early start and it worked. We were both up before 8:00 this morning and talked of what we needed to do while having breakfast.
The Temp we woke up to.
Kathy moved to her Computer to have her Tea while I made the bed and got dressed to protect myself today. Once I was ready Kathy got ready while I checked The Weather Network while drinking my much cooler Coffee.
We were out the door shortly after 9:00 and starting the chore of opening our Climate Controlled Storage Unit at Guardian Storage by 9:30. We were there to pick up our Television Cabinet. It had been brought to our Apartment but returned when it was deemed to large. When we combined the Contents of the Two Storage units together it became buried under Boxes and Bins along the back wall of this Unit. It was a good thing the Air Conditioning was working today but even then we needed to drink a lot of Water. With Kathy’s help it was much easier to load in the Car.

It was nearly 10:30 by the time we arrived at our daughter’s house in Tecumseh to drop the Cabinet off in the garage. It is being left for our granddaughter Kylla’s friend who just moved into her own apartment. This is the last piece of Furniture we had in storage. The rest we either gave away or have in our Apartment. I waited until we had the Cabinet out of the Car before using the Keypad to open the Garage Door. (That comes from helping take care of the grands when they were in school and we were living nearby.) The Door was closing less then a minute later and we never spoke to anyone before heading for the Apartment.
Quartzsite feeling like 97 F.
As soon as the Car was parked we donned our Masks before heading into the building. It was a good thing because we met Ana the Building Manager as she was heading for the Elevator. After a few pleasantries I made an inquiry then explained why. She’ll be having the Building Handyman come to fix the problem.

It wasn’t quite 11:30 by the time we got in the Apartment but we were feeling slightly hungry. Wanting something different we tried a Prime Roast and Vegetable Soup. Once we tasted it we decided we won’t be trying that one again any time soon. Our dessert plate filled us up.
Windsor already feeling like 106 F.
We had to change our clothes to dry off before we settled in at the Computers for the afternoon to get caught up on our morning reading.
We decided on Lou’s Kitchen Thin Sliced Beef for supper. Since we are running low on Buns and Bread we used Hotdog Buns for the base.
Quartzsite felt like 104 F.
Watching our 6 o’clock Local News they mentioned how the US states that reopened early are seeing spikes of Coronavirus Cases while those that held back are seeing dramatic decreases. The Experts are blaming the spikes on those that don’t Social Distance nor wear Masks. The Experts are also saying we are still in the first wave.
Windsor felt like 106 F
Another thing of interest today was that Windsor felt warmer then Quartzsite this afternoon. Glad we stayed inside for the rest of the day. We’ve got an appointment tomorrow and hope to run a few errands while we are at it. Thank you for following along and feel free to leave a comment.
Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.

You Might Be a Redneck If

You check your family heritage at


  1. Got your message but it won't publish because of the comment filter I've had to put on, you probably remember that event! Sure is hot out there, I have to remember to call Dad tomorrow and check in... Stay cool. -Katie

  2. Glad you guys have been able to give away your furniture since it is going to be hard to hold garage sales this year.

    Sometimes you win...sometimes you lose. I have also picked a couple of items I won't soon be buying again. Though from the picture that soup looks good...sometimes looks can be deceiving :-(

  3. That Quartzsite weather isn't quite accurate. I was there at 110 with the wind blowing like a convection oven!!! HOT I TELL YOU!!! It felt like 120!!! LOL Sorry you seem to be in a heat wave.

  4. Glad that you planned your day to stay as cool as possible. Those temps can be dangerous as you know. Stay safe.

  5. Looking ahead at the temperatures where we are to the west of you guys it is suppose to cool into the 80's the next couple of days. Hopefully it will do the same there. Take care and stay safe.
