
Saturday, July 4, 2020

Fourth Of July Memories.

Our Location today is at Windsor, Ontario.
Click on the pictures to Enlarge

First things first we hope all our American Readers and their Families enjoyed a wonderful July 4th Independence Day even with all the challenges going on with the Virus.
Even though we were in bed before midnight last night we both slept past 9:00 this morning. When Kathy joined me she could not believe that I had barely gotten up before her. The weather was a bit more moderate today but we still managed to spend most of the day on the Computers.

As we were watching the Fourth of July Fireworks this evening on the television memories started flashing through my mind.

Many other daily bloggers sometimes review what you were doing on this date years ago and it is easy if you were already blogging by then. What if you weren’t? We started blogging just over Eight and a Half Years ago but this happen Ten Years ago.

Even though I was retired we were busy working on our House to put on the market so we were looking for someplace to go on vacation in 2010. By chance we had been reading Blogs that morning and found out that Howard and Linda Payne from the blog RV Dreams were work camping at a Golf Course/Elk Farm near Alpena, Michigan. We had been following their Fulltime Adventures for over Four Years at that time. After a few E-mails we were packing our Trailer and getting ready to roll.

We left home early on July 2nd and took our time heading up I-75 stopping overnight at another campground. We even enjoyed our first Campfire of the season before moving on the next morning. It was shortly after 2:00 when we pulled in to register. Guess who signed us in. Howard and Linda of course. They were totally down to earth and after showing us to our site invited us to join the evening Campfire.

The next morning Linda was showing us around the gardens they were helping to develop as well as taking us to a Bird Blind they had built. Even though we were not birders we soon developed a keen sense of curiosity for our new avian friends. Later that afternoon more Trailers started pulling in and a couple with their Two Sons pulled in right next to us. Their names were Tom and Marcie Gimmarro with their sons Nicolas and Bryce. They had already attended seminars put on by Howard and Linda about Fulltime Rving and were in the process of selling their home as well. Marcie had started a blog to document their adventures called Roaming Free 2010. We all got together for another Campfire that night.

The next day was the Fourth of July and plans were made for a Pot Luck Dinner. There was so much food everyone waddled away. I assisted Howard at returning the folding tables to the Club House. Everyone met back near the Firepit just before dusk. Carrying our chairs we all hiked out to the Ninth Hole Tee Box where we set up facing town. Soon the sky was being lit up by the Fireworks being lit above the River. It was a much smaller display then the one in DC tonight but it still was nice watching it with our new friends. On the way back towards camp we disturbed the Mosquitoes so everyone headed home.

Our adventure lasted a few more days before we reluctantly had to head back to Windsor. Thank you for following along and feel free to leave a comment.
Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.

Words of Inspiration

Everyone appreciates your honesty, until you’re honest with them, then you’re an asshole.

George Carlin, Comedian and Actor.


  1. How fun to reminisce about good times. This will be one July 4th I won't forget!!

  2. Sometimes its nice to take a trip down memory lane :-)

  3. I was also reminiscing about the best 4th of July I ever had back eighteen years ago.

    I watched the fireworks on television from various cities in the United States.

  4. What a lovely memory. Do yo have any idea what has become of Howard and Linda? Have not heard from them or about them for years.
