
Monday, June 29, 2020

Calls, Computers, Exercise and “The DaVinci Code”.

Our Location today is at Windsor, Ontario.
Click on the pictures to Enlarge

As soon as the 11 o’clock Local News ended Kathy headed to bed while I was minutes away from publishing our Blog before midnight. My mission was accomplished and all I had to do was shut Myyy Cooompuuutooor. My eyes opened to see the time was past 1:00 in the morning. Surely that should not happen when your mind is being kept active. Minutes later I was in bed and didn’t wake until 7:30. I barely had time to get things ready for breakfast when Kathy joined me for breakfast. Remember what I have said about waking earlier with less sleep.
This past Friday I left a message with the Jayco Representative knowing that he would return my call when he returned to work on Monday. At 9:20 my power of deduction proved to be accurate. After comparing notes we now have a Date for our Trailer to be returned to the Factory Repair Center in Indiana.

Immediately after that call ended two more were made. One netted Kathy an upcoming visit from Mary the nurse from Healthy Heals to take care of Kathy’s Feet. The other only got us a message that basically said we have to wait a while longer for Haircuts.
I was late getting my morning chores finished so Kathy made us Thin Sliced Beef on a Bun from Lou’s Kitchen for our lunch and a mixed dessert plate. Everything tasted delicious and was quite satisfying.

Sitting back at the Computers to let our lunch settle we received another call reminding us of our appointment for tomorrow. A short while later I managed to exercise for a short while which helped take all the Aches and Pains from my body.

We watched Murder Mystery until it was time to watch the 6 o’clock Local News. The Windsor Chamber of Commerce is saying that it could take to the end of 2023 before the Financial Recovery from the effects of the Coronavirus take effect. On a side note the number of Cases among the area Migrant Farm Workers again doubled overnight.
We didn’t have supper until nearly 7:30. While Kathy made the dessert plates I modified a Caesars Salad by adding Chopped Bacon, Celery, Onion, Pepper and Shredded Cheese. All the above food added a sigh of contentment to our faces.

Neither of us ever saw the movie “The DaVinci Code” starring Tom Hanks. That was quite an interesting story that kept us guessing and would have most people doubting. Thank you for following along and feel free to leave a comment.
Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.

Why did the painting go to jail?

It was framed.


  1. I loved the DaVinci Code. I was wondering when you were going to get your rig fixed. Glad you at least have a date.

  2. Glad you have a date for the rig finally!

  3. I saw DaVnci Code when it first came out, great movie. I picked up the book Rule of Four at the library, but before reading it wanted to see the movie again.
    Nice to finally have a date for repairs.
