
Wednesday, June 3, 2020

A Plan, Hearing Aids, Shopping and New Appointments.

Our Location today is at Windsor, Ontario.
Click on the pictures to Enlarge

We were both in bed before midnight but there was a difference. When it had only cooled by a couple of degrees in the evening Kathy finally said she needed some relief so we turned on the Air Conditioning for the first time this year. Even on a low setting we could hear it in the bedroom which made it difficult for us to fall to sleep as well as staying that way.
I was up by 8:00 this morning and just started getting breakfast ready when Kathy joined me. After having our Cereal and Medications we took our Coffee/Tea to our Computers where The Weather Network showed even under Cloudy Skies it already felt like 84 F (29 C).
While we drank our morning drinks I explained what I was hoping to do and Kathy agreed. By 9:30 we were on our way out the door with a Plan in place.
It was 9:45 when we arrived at Clear Imaging where I was told to go for Chest X-rays. When I spoke to our Family Doctor’s Office yesterday they guaranteed me the Script had been sent by FAX. I spoke to the same receptionist as on Monday and she said again they had no Script.

Sitting in the Car with Kathy I called our Doctor’s Office telling them that the Script had not arrived and that I would gladly drive to their Office where they could slip me a Hard Copy because things were not improving for me. Lisa verified the location and sent it once again.

Back inside Clear Imaging I was told they sometime get a Thousand FAXs at a time (hard to believe) so she would check with their Office upstairs. While Social Distancing in their waiting room a few more patients arrived then I was called in. In less then Five Minutes my X-rays were taken and I was headed for the door and my Plan had worked.

We were barely in the Apartment when I realized we didn’t stop to pick up the Laundry Money because we didn’t have a list,
We worked together setting up the Crock Pot to make supper. I pealed the Potatoes and chopped the Onion while Kathy added the Chicken Wings and Seasoning to start it cooking. Then we realized we needed to have lunch. Since there were no Hamburger Buns Kathy used the last Two Hotdog Buns and heated the Leftover Pulled Pork for our lunch. It was filling enough.
We were driving out of the Parking Lot when my Cell Phone went off. It was Tina at Hearing Life saying Kathy’s Hearing Aids were ready for pick up. I said we’d be there in Fifteen Minutes and Kathy was walking in their door with her Mask at that time. They had to replace them as the Contacts had corroded in less then a year.
Wearing our Masks we headed over to the Zehr’s grocery store where I had seen GatoradeOn Sale” the other day. When we were getting our Cart there was the Gatorade at $6.00 off each case. We got Low Sodium for Kathy and Original for me. We picked up a few other things like Muffins and a half a Water Melon for a snack.
We then stopped at Dollarama where we got Hamburger and Hotdog Buns for $2.00 a package which is half the price of the grocery store. We also found a few more Food Stocks to bring home with us.
We made our last stop at Motor City Community Credit Union to get Loonies and Quarters to use for our laundry. I still had to disinfect my hands before signing a form saying that I was Virus Free. Even if we feel well we could still be carriers. Really a changing world we live in.

In the Apartment we had just put away our purchases when the phone rang. It was the Southwest Endoscopic Clinic calling to reschedule me for the appointment they had to cancel on April 2nd due to the Coronavirus Shutdown. At least this is a morning appointment rather then a late afternoon like the first one was. Better Safe then Sorry.
Before I knew it Kathy was serving supper but the problem was that it was the size of a Feast. Besides the Chicken Wings, Potatoes and Onions Kathy added her Homemade Cranberry Sauce with Green Beans as sides then had pieces of Water Melon for dessert.

We washed up the Dishes before watching the 6 o’clock Local News. We then channel surfed on the Protests that are happening in the US. Sad state of affairs. Thank you for following along and feel free to leave a comment.
Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.

You Might Be a Redneck If

There's something permanently hidden in your toilet tank.


  1. I have reached a saturation level so turned the tv OFF. The news is getting to be too much for my mental health.
    We havent been as warm as you folks, but the next couple of days looks pretty summer like. I moved the lemon trees outdoors today!

  2. What is loonies? When you say quarters do you mean US quarters?

    Glad you were able to accomplish so much today.

  3. That does looks like a plate full for supper.
    Now you will have to work-out a little more.

  4. You got a lot done!! It's crazy all this protesting and damage they are doing. Someone is behind it. We need to find out who!!

  5. Glad you got your X-ray finally and your other appointment scheduled! Our health is so important, got to stay on top! Dinner looks so awesome!
