
Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Rant, More Exercise, Road Trip Making Deliveries and Meal Ideas.

Our Location today is at Windsor, Ontario.
Click on the pictures to Enlarge

We were both up shortly after 8:00 this morning after having another restful night’s sleep but Kathy’s Sinuses were inflamed causing a lot of congestion. There was plenty of water still covering the parking lot from yesterday’s Rain that continued long after midnight.

We brought our Coffee/Tea to the Computers as we got caught up on what is happening. It was nice reading how other RVers are handling the Isolation as a way of avoiding the Coronavirus. What was sad was watching the Johns Hopkins Site that tracks this Global Pandemic and when you see the number of deaths caused by it you realize there are always other family members left behind reeling from the loss. The areas putting restrictions in place for Social Distancing and Isolation are being affected less then those allowed to carry on as if nothing was wrong like this is just a Flu while it’s not.
Even though I managed to get a bit of exercise in yesterday the aches and pains seemed to be returning this morning. While Kathy did more research On-Line I expanded on yesterday’s routine as a way of easing the discomfort.
For lunch Kathy created Hot Beef Sandwiches from the Roast she cooked the other day. She also served up Oranges, Cookies and Yogurt Cups as a dessert. It wasn’t long after we finished our Teas that we headed out the door.
As soon as we arrived at Guardian Storage the first thing I did was to collect our Mail before driving back to our Storage Unit. It felt strange not having anyone in the Office during the middle of the week. Last night I had spoken to our son and got the Okay for storing our Waste and Fresh Water Barrels behind our Garden Shed at the back of his yard. I also loaded our Propane Tanks and the Bicycle Carrier.

It was nearly 1:30 when we headed out. Our first stop however was our son Ken’s in Harrow where we needed to drop off the Chair Pads for the Dining Set we gave them last week. It’s only by going through the Boxes and Bins in the Storage Unit that we are finding things we feel they can use.
The drive felt nice and relaxing but there were hardly any other vehicles on the road. Many farmers fields were already turning green as the Winter Wheat made its presence known. There were also plenty of fields that were showing just how much Rain we had last night by having large sections filled with water. We stayed less then Two Minutes dropping off the Cushions before continuing down the road.
We arrived at our son Kevin’s home in Amherstburg around 2:30. He helped me get things put away. With a row of Cedar Trees behind the Garden Shed the Barrels and Bicycle Carrier won’t be noticed. Before leaving we loaded up the Pine Trees that we had in Planters that we had brought from our Seasonal Site at Wildwood RV Park with us.
Since Melissa is presently working at home we didn’t stay to visit. It was close to 3:00 by we headed back towards Windsor.
It wasn’t until we got home that we realized that across the street from the Apartment we are at the mouth of the Detroit River near Lake St. Clair. Going between Harrow and Amherstburg today we were at the other end of the Detroit River where it empties into Lake Erie. Since part of our route took us close to the Detroit River we saw lots of Boats out fishing.
Before reaching the Apartment we stopped at the Pioneer gas station where we topped our Diesel at $.935 a Litre. Good thing because on the News tonight they are forecasting the prices to go up again soon.
The Pine Trees look good on our Eighth Floor Balcony. For supper Kathy made a Beef with Egg Noodle dish that tasted wonderful. After the 6 o’clock Local News we watched a Hallmark Movie before an episode of Nancy Drew. More Rain is on the way tonight so we’re not sure what we’ll be doing tomorrow. Thank you for following along and feel free to leave a comment.
Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.
Words of Inspiration

The more things you do, the more you can do.

Lucille Ball


  1. I recall so many people saying this was like the flu and it would all go away by April...egg on their face!

    The fields look beautiful with all the rain you have received. I was wondering if Americans are crossing the border into Canada...I know the border is closed as it is with Mexico...but you can cross for medical appointments or to buy medication to purchase the malaria medication this administration is touting as a cure for Covis-19.

    Last time Americans made a dash for Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua and this past weekend it was to Tijuana, Mexico. I feel sorry for the people who need this medication as they suffer from Lupus and arthiritis and our snake-oil salesman has put their health in jeopardy.

  2. Even a short drive out in the fresh air would be welcome after being in the apartment day after day. Glad you had some harmless errands to run.

  3. Nice that you got out for a bit and got some things done..I'm thinking you'll be downsizing your storage unit soon.

  4. Riley also has sinus issues and uses a touch of Vick's Vapour Rub under her nose from time to time help loosen and drain her congestion. It may not help but you have nothing to lose by trying it.
    Some aches and pains cannot be exercised away unfortunately.
    A different view is always nice especially in these troubled times. Stay safe and stay healthy.

  5. Nice to get out on such a warm day. I believe l'll be heading towards Illinois next week and hope diesel remains low. My wife has sinus problems and I sent her something I saw in a commercial. Called Balloon Sinuplasty. Fairly new procedure. Stay safe.

  6. A lot better weather than we're having!
