
Monday, April 20, 2020

Getting Caught Up.

Our Location today is at Windsor, Ontario.
Click on the pictures to Enlarge

Even though we got to bed earlier last night we must have been worn out from working at the Storage Yard because it was nearly 8:30 when we woke up this morning. It was a beautiful looking morning even though it was barely above the Freezing Mark.
After doing our morning chores I was able to get caught up on all my Blog reading that got pushed aside while we worked on our Storage Unit. It was not only Physically Demanding but Mentally Draining as well. After getting enough rest I was better able to concentrate. I managed to to leave multiple Comments on certain Blogs. Now it is just a matter of keeping up to date.
With the lack of activity we had Baked Beans on Toast for lunch along with a Date Square, Yogurt Cup and an Orange for dessert. As soon as we’d eaten we worked together to set the Crock Pot up to cook our supper.

Even though Kathy had gathered our Tax information just over a week ago. Today she wanted to better organize it. By doing so it cost us much less and we normally have our return, not the refund, back overnight.

When we sat down to have supper we were so rushed that I missed taking a picture of the Beef Roast topped with Horseradish Sauce along with Potatoes seasoned with Salsa and Carrots for our meal. It looked so inviting we totally forgot to take a picture of our meal. It all tasted wonderful with more for other meals.
We took the time to watch the 6 o’clock Local News before getting the Dishes were all cleaned and put away. We then watched another Hallmark Movie as well as another Coronavirus Special. It worries us that more cases are being reported in many areas that are saying they are going to open for business. Makes you wonder. Thank you for following along and feel free to leave a comment.
Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.

Words of Inspiration

Kindness in words creates confidence.

Kindness in thinking creates profoundness.

Kindness in giving creates love.

Lao-Tzu, Ancient Chinese Philosopher


  1. Glad you were able to get a goodnight's rest.

    I too worry that my state (Texas) is opening up too early when we do not even have enough tests to administer to the citizenry.

    I am glad I am retired and can stay home but I have great fear for those who have no choice but to go to work under these circumstances.

  2. It all seems to be a guessing game at this point. They come out with recommendations, then backslide. The vaccine they have come up with doesn't seem to be working either with all it's side effects. I guess time will tell.

  3. Opening is a massive mistake - let's wait and find out how the Americans fare with it -- then we'll know -- they are going to do it regardless, so...
