
Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Making Plans, Change Of Plans and Finishing With No Plans.

Our Location today is at Windsor, Ontario.
Click on the pictures to Enlarge

Again last night as I attempted to Copy and Paste the Blog the last couple of lines in the Krackers section looked like a pile of trash. Trying something different I once again recreated that part of the Document but below where the problem was occurring then Deleting the corrupted section above. I’ll know how that fares out after publishing this Post tonight. You’ll see me continue to let you in on the finished result.
Snow is slowly disappearing.
We were both up at a much more reasonable time this morning with plenty of Sunshine coming through our Balcony Blinds. After a lite breakfast we spent most of the morning on our Computers. One of the Comments was a reflection of another asked some time ago. The Canadian Dollarama stores are similar to the Dollar General stores in the US. The prices vary from less then a Dollar to up to Four Dollars at this time but they have some products that are better made then what is found at some of the better recognized chains

We spoke with our Friends Gerry and Sandy that we haven’t seen in some time because of Bad Weather as well as Illness. They are just starting to feel better so we made a date to get together next week.
For lunch we enjoyed Chicken Noodle Soup with Date Squares, Clementine Oranges and Yogurt Cups for dessert. After letting that settle a bit Kathy suggested we go see a movie because she has spent so much time in the Apartment due to the weather that she was starting to feel closed in. We immediately looked up the movies playing at Theaters other then the Lakeshore Cineplex. If you recall it would have cost us $46.00 just to get in but we kept our hard earned money where it belonged.

It was already past the first showing when we left the Apartment at 1:45. We walked around the Devonshire Mall checking out the changes that have been made. Some stores were relocated or redecorated while others had completely disappeared allowing for new businesses to take their spots.

We still had nearly an Hour before the next showing when we returned to get our tickets. With ever changing Technology there was no one manning the Ticket Window instead they had Six Ticket Kiosks that nobody could get to work. In the end everyone had to buy their Tickets at the Snack Bar. Since Tuesday is Senior’s Day our cost was only $7.50 each that we used Gift Cards to pay for.

The movie that we saw was “1917” which was based on a True Story during the First World War. There was less then ten minutes of this movie that you actually sat back in your seat. The Costumes, Language, Set Design and Special Effects were perfect for the time period. We both gave it Ten out of Ten.

It was getting Dark by the time we got back to the Car and the Temperature had already dropped below the Freezing Mark. We drove over to the nearby Swiss Chalet to have supper. This time we really lucked out because we had a Coupon that allowed us both to have a Quarter Chicken Meal with an Appetizer and Dessert for a reasonable price. There was so much food on our plates that we took home enough for another meal. We also collected points on our Scene card and we again used Gift Cards to pay for our entire meal.

On our way home we stopped at the Pioneer gas station on Jefferson to top up the Car. At $1.039 a Litre that’s a low price we don’t often see around here.

It past 8:00 when we arrived back at the Apartment. Luckily I dropped Kathy off at the Front Door because I nearly froze from the North Wind after parking the Car.

We were researching different storage options before realizing the time. We managed to watch the 11:00 o’clock Local News. Not sure what we are doing tomorrow but it doesn’t look like we’ll be staying home. Thank you for following along and feel free to leave a comment.
Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.

Our favourite attitude should be gratitude.

Zig Ziglar,


  1. Thank you for addressing my question about your Canadian Dollarama.

    At least you enjoyed a good time at the movies and a wonderful dinner.

    I ended up watching a great San Antonio Spurs game win only to have the wind sucked out from under me after learning what #45 had done regarding Roger Stone.

    I hope Susan Collins stating that #45 had learned his lesson as an excuse for her lack of spine after exonerating him will weigh heavily on her conscience as well as her supporters.

    We now have a Presidency unleashed!

  2. Wow .. fuel is expensive up there. It's weird you are having so much trouble with the blog. Maybe your computer has a bug?

  3. Hope you can figure out the blog issue. I hate when wonky things happen!

  4. I agree with Nancy..Fuel is expensive. Guess you have to plan your outings to get the most for your $. Glad you enjoyed the movie!

  5. We also saw 1917 while house sitting and thought it was incredible, definitely a 10.
    PS Our regular fuel here was 1.449 yesterday, so enjoy.

  6. I usually love Swiss Chalet. Unfortunately, the only one in the town near us is horrible! When I visit with my sister in Peterborough we always have an enjoyable meal.

  7. We seldom go to the movies. A few years back we saw Hacksaw Ridge. Loved the movie even though I could not look at some scenes. So realistic. I hear 1917 is on the same order. Realistic.
