
Saturday, February 29, 2020

Comments Answering Comments and Meeting Former Coworker.

Our Location today is at Windsor, Ontario.
Click on the pictures to Enlarge

We were both in bed before midnight last night so when I slept in until 8:30 this morning I was slightly shocked but when Kathy was joining me in the dining room less then Ten Minutes later that really shocked me. The temperature was still below Freezing outside but with the bright Sunshine we were seeing puddles starting to form down in the parking lot.
Lots of Ice Flows going by in the River.
After checking E-mails and Comments this morning it appeared One answered the Other. In One Comment it asked how the Commenter knew what Blog we wrote the other day. The Commenter known only as Anonymous then explained that they have been reading our Blog for nearly Three Years. When one makes their lives an open book lots of people not only follow what you do but can relate to it as well as sometimes wishing they were able to do it themselves.
Once the chores were finished we were busy checking our food stocks and making a Shopping List. That also gave us the chance to see what we would have for lunch. We changed it slightly today by having Vegetable Soup with a piece of Lemon Meringue Pie that Kathy made yesterday for our dessert.
With the threat of the Coronavirus spreading and Kathy’s poor Immune System we headed over to Princess Auto. According to the Experts the standard Dust Masks will be useless as a Personal Protection Device so we were there to look at respirators. Kathy also has a touch of Claustrophobia and as soon as she saw one she started to go into a Panic Attack. That’s why she uses the CPAP Mask that she does because she can’t see it when she opens her eyes. We’ll just have to hope for the best and scratched that idea.

That was when I ran into Wayne a Millwright I worked with before I retired. It felt strange because the last Three Times I have met him has been at Princess Auto. Even Kathy remembers meeting him there. After a short talk we headed off with our parting being “See You Later”.
We then headed over to Dollarama where we did find a few things Kathy needed to finish organizing the Kitchen Cupboards. It also gave us more walking time which helps Kathy get out. It was 4:00 by the time we got back to the Apartment.

We did more reading on the Computers before watching the 6 o’clock Local News along with a few Hallmark Movies. We’ll be busier taking care of business tomorrow. Thank you for following along and feel free to leave a comment.
Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.

Ask A Silly Question

If tomatoes are technically a fruit, is ketchup a smoothie?


  1. My plan is to stay inside and keep washing my hands. The difference between a cold/flu and the Coronavirus seems to be a fever. If that occurs, head to the hospital!

  2. Washing hands seems to be the smartest advice out there. You and Wayne need to meet for coffee sometime besides the auto place. 🙂

  3. Not to make any comment a long winded event, had I encountered you at a different venue I would have wanted to sit and dicuss your adventures for hours if you were so willing. Take care.

  4. Finally caught up. You and Kathy certainly do keep busy. Do not enjoy reading about your though it does remind us of why we are out here. So thank you for that reminder.
    We are doing the hand washing and hoping for the best.
    Take care and stay warm.

  5. We live quite far into the countryside and have had to deal with one disaster or another in the past. (Remember the big ice storm of 1998?) We have learned to keep a supply of gasoline for the generator, lots of rechargeable batteries for our transistor radio and a freezer and larder full of food. I asked M. how long we could stay in isolation before starting to feel like we need to restock and he said three months minimum. That sounds pretty encouraging from my perspective. When we were approaching 2000 and the whole Y2K thing uncertainty, my children all came from the GTA to wait it out! With all their children and grandchildren that might turn into a crowded house if they all decided to descend again!
    I worry about my children who work in professions where they have the potential to be exposed.

  6. That virus is starting to scare a lot of people. Hope they find something soon to prevent it. Don't think a mask is the solution. More hassle than it's worth.

  7. Thank you for answering my question as well as the reader involved letting you know the reason why he did not want to disturb you...very considerate I might add.

    It would have been creepy at least for myself if someone I did not know and who had never commented on my blog tried to introduce themselves when I am sweaty, smelly, no make-up on and basically look like crap.

    I missed the opportunity to meet John Wells of The Field Lab fame at the laundromat in Terlingua because I looked the way I describe above.
