
Saturday, February 29, 2020

Comments Answering Comments and Meeting Former Coworker.

Our Location today is at Windsor, Ontario.
Click on the pictures to Enlarge

We were both in bed before midnight last night so when I slept in until 8:30 this morning I was slightly shocked but when Kathy was joining me in the dining room less then Ten Minutes later that really shocked me. The temperature was still below Freezing outside but with the bright Sunshine we were seeing puddles starting to form down in the parking lot.
Lots of Ice Flows going by in the River.
After checking E-mails and Comments this morning it appeared One answered the Other. In One Comment it asked how the Commenter knew what Blog we wrote the other day. The Commenter known only as Anonymous then explained that they have been reading our Blog for nearly Three Years. When one makes their lives an open book lots of people not only follow what you do but can relate to it as well as sometimes wishing they were able to do it themselves.
Once the chores were finished we were busy checking our food stocks and making a Shopping List. That also gave us the chance to see what we would have for lunch. We changed it slightly today by having Vegetable Soup with a piece of Lemon Meringue Pie that Kathy made yesterday for our dessert.
With the threat of the Coronavirus spreading and Kathy’s poor Immune System we headed over to Princess Auto. According to the Experts the standard Dust Masks will be useless as a Personal Protection Device so we were there to look at respirators. Kathy also has a touch of Claustrophobia and as soon as she saw one she started to go into a Panic Attack. That’s why she uses the CPAP Mask that she does because she can’t see it when she opens her eyes. We’ll just have to hope for the best and scratched that idea.

That was when I ran into Wayne a Millwright I worked with before I retired. It felt strange because the last Three Times I have met him has been at Princess Auto. Even Kathy remembers meeting him there. After a short talk we headed off with our parting being “See You Later”.
We then headed over to Dollarama where we did find a few things Kathy needed to finish organizing the Kitchen Cupboards. It also gave us more walking time which helps Kathy get out. It was 4:00 by the time we got back to the Apartment.

We did more reading on the Computers before watching the 6 o’clock Local News along with a few Hallmark Movies. We’ll be busier taking care of business tomorrow. Thank you for following along and feel free to leave a comment.
Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.

Ask A Silly Question

If tomatoes are technically a fruit, is ketchup a smoothie?

Friday, February 28, 2020

Working In Your Sleep, Comment From A Reader, Cleaning Up and “Two Weeks Notice”.

Our Location today is at Windsor, Ontario.
Click on the pictures to Enlarge

Kathy barely made it through the 11 o’clock Local News last night before heading off to bed. My Plan was to post the Blog and be right behind her. Notice I used the word Plan. It seems lately whenever we Plan something it doesn’t always happen so why should last night be any different. Even though we have our own WiFi connection it has a habit of dropping our connections. I had to completely shut my ComputerOff” then restart it because just restarting it didn’t work before I was finally reconnected. “The Joys!

Kathy felt tired when she got up this morning. She said she dreamed of working all night. People think it’s funny but if you dream of physically working while you sleep you will wake up tired.
We spent the morning on the Computers getting caught up on our reading. One of the Comments on yesterday’s post has a reader using the same Planet Fitness as I do. They recognized the Truck but didn’t know to look for the guy wearing the Sweaty Tank Top. LOL!
For lunch I was surprised that Kathy wanted Split Pea Soup for a second day in a row. While I heated it on the stove and steeping the Tea Kathy was busy making a dessert plate with Cookies, a Rice Crispy Square and a Yogurt Cup. It wasn’t quite as filling as yesterday but still filling.

Not wanting to get tangled with the working population of the building tomorrow I decided to do the Laundry today. It was nearly 1:30 by the time I had the first load going in the Washer. Since there were others doing the same I had to do One Load at a time. It was past 4:30 when I got back to the Apartment with all the Clothes folded.
Kathy had been cleaning the Apartment but was already cooking Chicken Breasts on the stove that she had only breaded minutes before. She also made a Garden Salad as the side. It was tasty and filling.

We watched the 6 o’clock Local News before watching an episode of Law and Order. We also watched the romantic comedy “Two Weeks Notice” starring Sandra Bullock and Hugh Grant. Thank you for following along and feel free to leave a comment.
Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.

Leap year. Whoopee. One more day to work.

Francesco Marciuliano and Craig MacIntosh, Sally Forth

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Blustery Day, Good Workout and Supper Out

Our Location today is at Windsor, Ontario.
Click on the pictures to Enlarge

We both managed to get to bed early enough but last night was Kathy’s turn to have some wake filled time. The result was that she needed to stay in bed a little later this morning. We were having breakfast at 9:00 so we survived the delay.
Looking out the Balcony Door we were able to see a totally White landscape but we could also see that we didn’t get hit as bad as the areas further North and East of us in Ontario. Checking The Weather Network on the Computer showed we won’t be seeing any Flurries for at least a week but we have some Sun along with high Winds that will bring us frigid air.
For lunch we had Split Pea Soup as well as Open Faced Grill Cheese Sandwiches topped with Cookies and a Yogurt Cup for dessert. Even though I wanted to get an early start at the Gym this afternoon for some reason Lunch seemed to be sitting heavy. Probably due to the fact that we have been slowly cutting back on what we are eating. I spent another Hour on the Computer doing more research until I felt better.
Kathy wanted to visit with Vera but when she called Vera had an appointment. Not sure how long she would be told Kathy she would call her when she got home. She didn’t call back.
Notice the increased Wind Gusts
When I went outside after starting the Truck I cleaned both vehicles before heading out. The West Wind was gusting to 43 MPH so by the time I finished I was frozen. Just getting in the Truck helped me warm up.
When I walked into Planet Fitness just before 3:00 there might have been Twenty People exercising. By the time I finished my Cardio Workout there were about Fifty. When I was about to leave at 5:30 there was over a Hundred. Nice to see people trying to keep themselves fit.
Sunset through the Clouds.
I called Kathy to tell her I was on the way home but before we could say anything else we were disconnected. Back at the Apartment Kathy suggested we go out for supper. We ended up at Wendy’s where we were able to use a Coupon to get our meals at a reasonable price.
Just walking to and from the Car after supper had us both needing something warm to take the Chill out so Kathy made Hot Chocolate to accomplish that chore. After watching an episode of Law and Order we tried watching a couple other series but just could not get into them.

We did watch a special about what is being done to deal with the Coronavirus before watching our 11 o’clock Local News. Things are not looking good anywhere. The old saying “No News is Good News” is starting to sound good about now. Thank you for following along and feel free to leave a comment.
Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.

Q: Why did the cow cross the road?

A: To get to the udder side.

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Better Sleep, White Landscape and Chores.

Our Location today is at Windsor, Ontario.
Click on the pictures to Enlarge

It is truly hard to understand how human beings in general spent countless hours trying to unsuccessfully to sleep one night then sleep soundly without any kind of medicinal help the next.
Having noted the change in our weather before finishing the Blog last night I wasn’t surprised to find everything outside looking White this morning. What did surprise me was when I checked The Weather Network was that it showed the outside temperature to be above the Freezing Mark even as things continued to be coated with the fine precipitation.

After breakfast we settled in at the Computers getting caught up on our morning reading. I appreciated the comments on the Bookcase transformation but here is something I didn’t mention. We saw a similar Case that wasn’t as sturdy and the cost was Ten Times as much. So what this means for our project is that it is Functional, Inexpensive and Solid.
Once the morning chores were finished I actually started making Data Entries in our Expenditure Spreadsheet. That’s as far as I got because Kathy had already made lunch. It was odd but today Kathy was feeling chilled in the Apartment so she made Chicken Noodle Soup along with a dessert plate of Clementine Oranges, some Watermelon and Cookies. Of course we tried a different Berry Tea for our beverage.

Back at the Computer it took some time before all the Entries had been made and the Flurries continued the entire time. It is amazing how many receipts a family of two can collect in a Two Week period. When wrapping up the process I made certain to back it up on a Memory Stick.

It was close to 4:00 when we turned on the Television. We had a chance to watch Two more episodes of Law and Order before switching the channel to our 6 o’clock Local NewsI started writing the Blog before we watched part of Nancy Drew.

Flurries should stop shortly after midnight so we’ll see what we do tomorrow. Thank you for following along and feel free to leave a comment.
Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.

You Might Be a Redneck If

You use your above-ground pool for storage.

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Bookcase Project Complete and Winter Is Returning

Our Location today is at Windsor, Ontario.
Click on the pictures to Enlarge

We were in bed early last night and Kathy slept until she got up this morning. I was wide awake by 4:00 in the morning and finally got up around 5:30 for a short walk around the Apartment before going back to bed and to sleep.
After opening the Balcony Blinds this morning we realized that the Weather Guessers were once again right. The parking lot was filled with puddles that would continue to grow throughout the day.
With our morning chores finished we worked together making lunch. We thought it wise that since this would be a moderate activity day that lunch be the larger meal. While I was busy cooking the Perogies and making Blueberry Tea Kathy was making Bacon with Cheese Sliders along with a dessert plate of Cookies and Yogurt Cups. It all turned out tasty and satisfying.

Once lunch was finished Kathy started cleaning up the Dishes while I started disconnecting Wires and Components from the older Television/Entertainment Center. With the old Center moved out it was just a matter of reconnecting it all in the new Unit.

There are Two Reasons we chose to use this Bookcase for this purpose. One was with the Television being across the room (12 Feet) if there was anything happening in the lower corner of the screen one of our Chairs could block Kathy’s view. The second was that the Entertainment Center and Dining Table are along the same wall allowing no room to sit back from the Table. This so this Bookcase raised the Television and it uses a smaller Footprint giving us more room at the Table.
The Television is tied to the Bookcase that is tied
 to the Wall. Our Local News on the Tube.
We did relocate our Stereo to the Bookshelf by our Love-Seat across the room. We still have more Videos and Music CDs in our Climate Controlled Storage Unit to bring to the Apartment that will help fill our new Entertainment Center.

We cooked a Medium Sized Store Bought Thin Crust Chicken Pizza for supper and ate it while watching the 6 o’clock Local News. We then watched a couple of episodes of Law and Order. It’s amazing how many episodes we missed during the years we were Fulltiming.

We tried to watch something else but most were Preempted by another Democratic Presidential Debate so we shut it down. We are forecasted to have Seasonal Weather heading our way. A quick peek outside shows all the vehicles in the parking lot have turned White. Thank you for following along and feel free to leave a comment.
Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.

Q: What happens to deposed kings?

A: They get throne away.

Monday, February 24, 2020

Progress Made, Exercise and Relaxing Evening.

Our Location today is at Windsor, Ontario.
Click on the pictures to Enlarge

Finally we managed to have a restful night’s sleep and woke up feeling refreshed this morning. After our Lite Breakfast we went through our usual routine of catching up on what is happening in the world.

Wanting to make progress on our Bookcase/Entertainment Center I cut my reading short and went about adding Masking Tape where the cuts would be made on the Eight Foot Shelf that we purchased yesterday. The reason for that was first to be able to see the Line because the Shelf is a very dark colour and second to stop the edges from splintering. Using my folding Work-Mate Bench I was able to have both the new shelves cut and all the dust cleaned up before lunch.
Lunch consisted of Vegetable Soup with a Clementine Orange and Date Square for dessert. It was more then satisfying.

Since I planned on running a few errands then going to exercise Kathy tried reaching Vera.

In order to move the Large Entertainment Center by myself I headed over to Guardian Storage. The first thing I did was to collect our Mail before going back to our Climate Controlled Storage Unit. I loaded our Utility Cart in the Truck but when I tried finding the roll of Clear Wrap could not find it. On the way out of the yard I checked to see everything was good at the Trailer.
I finally made it to Planet Fitness just before 3:00 and had no problem getting started with my Cardio Routine. When I finished that turned to get the cleaning supplies to wipe the unit down I was surprised to see Eighty Percent of the equipment in use. Today I increased the Free Weighs but cut back a Set to get used to the extra weight.
I managed to be back at the Apartment before 5:30. As soon as I walked in Kathy started making the Sweet and Sour Chicken Balls along with Chicken Fried Rice plus Asparagus for supper then she served Pineapple for dessert. Kathy said she called Vera a few more times with no luck.

We watched our 6 o’clock Local News before watching an episode of Law and Order. The rest of the evening was spent reading on the Computers. Not sure what we are doing tomorrow but we’ll figure it out. Thank you for following along and feel free to leave a comment.
Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.

You Might Be a Redneck If

Every time your wife wears a fur coat someone shoots at her.