
Thursday, January 30, 2020

Straightening Things Out and Running Errands.

Our Location today is at Windsor, Ontario.
Click on the pictures to Enlarge

If there is one thing we both dislike having to do it’s waking to the sound of the Alarm and with an early appointment on the calendar we had no choice but to guarantee getting up on time. As what has happened many times in the past I was awake way before the Alarm. After staring at the ceiling I finally just got up, shut the Alarm and started getting things ready for breakfast.

Before 7:30 (the time the Alarm was set for) Kathy joined me. Even though our Coffee/Tea were cooling next to our Computers we busied ourselves getting the Apartment ready for our visitor. By 8:30 everything was put where it belonged and we could relax.
The first thing we did was to check our E-mails, Messages, the Local News and The Weather Network. One of the things we learned was our planned visit was off for this evening because everyone there was either sick or had a cold. If someone sneezes across the room in a Walmart Kathy will catch it.

I found more conflict over the way I presented what I felt in a couple of recent posts. That was not my intention. I do not support any Political Party in Canada or the US. What I commented on was after having watched the Witnesses that testified to in Congress that what had been said was not what was being presented at the Trial.

I called Pharma Care pharmacy to verify that our Prescriptions were ready. The person at the other end shocked me when they said they were waiting for Kathy’s Former Doctor to approve a medication. I informed them in no uncertain words that there were no medications she needed from that Doctor that had not already been approved by her new Family Doctor.
Since it was Kathy’s appointment and we had other things to take care of today I headed out the door shortly after. My destination being Planet Fitness in an attempt to keeping myself fit not only Physically but Mentally as well. It is amazing that as you Physically push your body it gives you a chance to get rid of Mental Stress and gives you time to solve problems. With it being just after 9:00 in the morning I had no problem getting a good Workout.

I was back at the Apartment shortly after 12:00 only to find out that the time written on the Calendar was incorrect. The appointment time was 1:00 in the afternoon not 10:00 in the morning which also meant we could have slept later without the use of the Alarm. We made Toasted Cheese Sandwiches for a quick snack.

Mary arrived early so while she tended to Kathy’s feet I researched the list of Medications that the pharmacy should have filled. As soon as Mary was finished we all headed out together.
Our first stop was to drop off the Claim Form at Green Shield as they cover the cost of Kathy’s Home Treatment.
From there we headed towards Amherstburg to Pharma Choice. The same young person insisted that they needed to call the Former Doctor until I presented all the Script Numbers which proved our Family Doctor was the last Physician to write the Script.
We walked around the Dollarama and found that they are carrying Collapsible Crates which make great Storage Units in an RV and the price was a fraction of what we paid years ago.
Taking a different route back to Windsor it was past 4:00 when we stopped at Taco Bell for supper. We are still using Coupons to keep our costs down.
We then drove over to Zehr’s grocery store where we picked up a few things to keep us going.
We ended up at Walmart looking for additional Food Storage Containers before heading back to the Apartment. We managed to watch the 6 o’clock Local News before looking for something else to watch. Since the Impeachment Hearing was the only thing on and part of the controversy I started we shut the Television off.

Had to set the Alarm again for another morning appointment. Thank you for following along and feel free to leave a comment.
Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.

I encourage my children to make mistakes.

The bigger, the better.

That's how you learn the most.

Susan Sarandon, American Actress.


  1. I do hate those early morning alarms, meaning my puppies! LOL

  2. A face without freckles,is like a sky without stars.
    A trial without witnesses is a trial without exculpatory evidence.

  3. Amazing how a little politics in a blog can cause a firestorm. Interesting about the collapeseable totes. I am in the market for totes to put in the bays of the new MH. I'll check them out.

  4. You must have a huge pile of coupons. We get a lot each month in the mail for Mc, BK, Golden Corral, Arbys, etc etc. I keep them in the car or truck... just in case. Never do seem to use any.

  5. I rarely if ever get any fast food coupons in the mail. Those collapsible totes sound interesting do you think you could on a future post take a picture of one?
