
Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Air Conditioner Installed, Great Workout and More Impeachment Hearing.

Our Location today is at Windsor, Ontario.
Click on the pictures to Enlarge

Even though we both slept soundly we both practically jumped out of bed when I saw the clock reading 8:30. Why that would matter was because we were expecting a delivery at 10:00 and we still needed to get ready. As soon as breakfast was finished our Coffees were set by our Computers but we focused on getting dressed and things cleaned up.
Unlike our last Apartment this AC Sleeve is closer to the Floor.
With Ten Minutes to spare Al from Al’s Air Conditioning called to say he was on his way. As mentioned on Monday we didn’t want to wait until it got Too Hot before looking for a Sleeve Type Air Conditioner and not be able to find any. I headed downstairs more to greet him at the delivery door but took out the Recycle while I was at it. Someone had already let him in the Service Door so it was just a matter of guiding him to the Apartment. It only took about Ten Minutes for Al to have the Covers removed, the Ac inserted in the Sleeve, insulated then reinstalled the Outside Cover to keep the cold weather out.

We finally had the chance to start doing our morning reading on the Computers. While we were doing that Kathy wanted to see what was happening on CNN with the Impeachment Hearing. Even though she was told they wouldn’t start until this afternoon she still wanted to see what was happening. I think she’s turning into a Political Junkie.

While listening to the Commentators debated what had happen yesterday she made an early lunch that she served by our Computers. When the Hearing started Kathy was glued to the screen having never seen this before. Shortly after 2:00 I headed out the door while Kathy was still watching the Hearing.

My destination was Planet Fitness where I started with my Cardio Workout. At Planet Fitness they have a row of Big Screen Televisions that face the Cardio Machines. Apparently I should be able to download an App to my Cell Phone and listen to which ever Television I want but I won’t do that. Today over half those Televisions were broadcasting the Impeachment Hearing and that was on Five different Networks.

After my cool down I was able to go straight to the Free Weights where I was able to go through a Three Full Sets of the different routines I go through without anyone else being in my way. It was close to 3:30 when suddenly there was a steady influx of people that started coming in. There are close to a Hundred Cardio Machines in this building and there were only a few left idling. I had to finish today’s workout on the Resistance Machines.

I probably would have continued working out later but someone was using the Hyper Extension incorrectly and acting like it was hurting their back. When I explained then demonstrated how it was used he started talking to me. That disrupts your concentration marking the end of your workout.

Since it was only 4:30 after I left I went over to Burger King where I took advantage of their Whopper Wednesday Deals but getting Onion Rings rather then Fries. This time I used one of our Insulated Shopping Bags that helped keep it Hot until we sat down to eat.

When I walked in Kathy was still watching the Hearing. After having supper we actually watched our 6 o’clock Local News before going back to the Impeachment Hearing.

As noted before we are not US Citizens Kathy has relatives that live in the US but the only reason we are watching this is because it is History being made. If we were Us Citizens then we would have more of a stake in this but most times when something happens in the US it does affect what happens here in Canada. Thank you for following along and feel free to leave a comment.
Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.

Foreign aid might be defined as a transfer of money from poor people in rich countries to rich people in poor countries.

Douglas Casey, Classmate of Bill Clinton at Georgetown University


  1. I hope she will be just as interested when the other side presents their case. I only hope CNN gives the President's team half as much UNINTERRUPTED air time as it did Schiff. What you should know is that just because they state "everybody knows" and "it's proven fact that it is NOT A PROVEN FACT and everyone does NOT KNOW or believe most of the Democrats talking points. The left frequently lie and the liberal leaning media don't give both sides of the story. We hear a lot of terrible things about Trudeau, but we let you guys chose your own leaders and keep our mouths shut since it is your country.

    1. Well everyone knows that the conservative,bible thumping,Repukkkikans would never lie ! I look forward to hearing from the other witnesses that were not allowed to speak during the initial inquiry.But I digress,the orange idiot and his band of merry men will never allow that to happen.....I'll just have to wait until November.

  2. Good for Kathy for watching. Personally, I'd rather eat a snake. LOL There's so many lies flying around I can't keep track.
    Good for you for hitting the gym. It's much better for you!!

  3. Glad you got the AC installed. For some reason I have no interest in the hearings. So fed up with both Dems and Repubs. Can't trust either anymore.

  4. Will you be able to take the A/C with you when you leave? I suppose I do not know what a sleeved A/C is.

  5. I am with Nancy and am so tired of even turning on the TV! Glad to hear you got the AC taken care of!
