
Monday, December 23, 2019

Birthday Wish and The Gift Of Life.

Our Location today is at Windsor, Ontario.
Click on the pictures to Enlarge

Once again I managed to stay up late last night so was quite surprised when I was up before the Sun this morning. I knew that it was supposed to cool down overnight so by simply looking down on the vehicles in the parking lot there was no mistaking just how cold it actually was.
Kathy soon joined me for breakfast and we discussed what we needed to do this morning. First things first we had to have our Coffee/Tea while reading at our Computers. With an afternoon appointment we didn’t have as much time as we would have liked to be able to relax.
Kathy went On-Line to wish our daughter Rose a Happy Birthday. Hard to believe our baby is that old.

I had to fill out my On-Line Questionnaire as well as printing out the Q-Pass for later but each time I tried the Printer kept turning to One-Note. Ever since having Windows Ten One-Note has been a PITA so after the third attempt to print I deleted One-Note and the Printer worked like a charm. This is not the first time that I have deleted One-Note but each time Windows Ten updates itself it puts it back in the operating system.
For lunch we had Split Pea Soup along with Fruit Cake and Yogurt for dessert with Strawberry/Rhubarb Tea to drink.

While Kathy cleaned up the Dishes I repacked the Tools in the Storage Bins that are carried in the Trailer. Once that was complete I located a Shopping Cart so that it could be hauled out to not only the Car but some had to be returned to the Truck where it has always been stored.
Since we were not sure how long it would take to drop the Bins off a the Storage Unit we left the apartment shortly after 2:30. Everything was going well as it seemed all the Traffic Lights were in our favour until we were within a few hundred feet of the Underpass. That was when the Train Crossing Guards came down and there was enough traffic coming behind us that we were soon boxed in. At first this lengthy Train was travelling at a moderate speed but then it stopped and started backing up. It was shedding many of the Cars that it had pulled into Windsor. Twenty Minutes and Three Shuttles before the gates finally allowed traffic to once again flow.
Our first stop at Guardian Storage was to check the Mail. Carol was in and we wished each other a Merry Christmas. The next stop was our Storage Unit to put the Bins with the rest of the items being stored from the Trailer. That took all of Five Minutes before we were leaving.

We arrived at the Canadian Blood Services building shortly after 3:30. Even though my appointment had been made for later in the event that I would be back to work I figured if they weren’t busy they would take me early. I was right and with my having printed the Q-Pass I was taken ahead of other Donors that were using the available Touch Pads to fill in their Questionnaires. All the people that work there are looking forward to having Christmas off.

Today was only my 120th Blood Donation which is not bad considering that has all happened in the last Twenty-Two Years. I’m doing my part to try to save lives and by Donating Blood I am hoping it makes a difference especially at this time of year. Blood Donors call it “A Gift of Life”.

After a Juice and a Cookie we were leaving at 4:30 the time of my actual appointment. Traffic was getting crazy and we still had to get Groceries but first we stopped at Taco Bell for supper. It has been a while and we tried a few things that had a lot less Calories.
After we were fuelled up we drove to the Bulk Barn where we were able to get some tasty Trail Mix at a lower price then at the grocery stores. Even though I had picked some up before a person called “Not Me” seemed to think it tasted surprisingly good. This time I made certain to purchase a larger amount so we can all have some.

We spent the next Hour walking around the Zehr’s grocery store. It was packed and some people brought their children that did not want to be there with them. It was more like a Zoo so Kathy decided we were getting everything that we’ll need to see us through to the New Year.

It was well after 7:00 by the time we had everything put away in our Apartment. We took the time to relax and watch another Hallmark Christmas Movie. Tomorrow will be another busy day not just for us but for all the Last Minute Christmas Shoppers. We plan to stay away from the stores. Thank you for following along and feel free to leave a comment.
Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.

You Might Be a Redneck If

You wrapped a Christmas present with aluminum foil.


  1. Thanks for the wonderful share. Your article has proved your hard work and experience you have got in this field. Brilliant. I love it reading.

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  2. Congratulations on your 120th blood donation, it is indeed the gift of life and much needed during the holidays when their supplies run low.

    I thought the trains in Del Rio were long and slow they seem to equal or surpass yours. You guys are one of the few people I read that actually like fruit cake.

    I plan on staying away from stores as well and letting the last minute shoppers have free reign.

  3. Thanks for giving blood. It does save lives. You and Kathy have a Merry Christmas.

  4. Congrats on 120! I love trains, but 20 min would be a little long especially when you have someplace to be.
