
Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Accomplishing Things Inside.

Our Location today is at Windsor, Ontario.
Click on the pictures to Enlarge

With all the running around we did yesterday our bodies needed extra time to recover so we both slept until 8:00 this morning. Just like yesterday when we looked outside the sky was filled with Clouds even though The Weather Network was showing us as having Sunny Skies but they got our high temperature for the day of 34 F (1 C) right this time.
This is what the Sky looked like all day.
With nothing really planned we stayed on our Computers for a better part of the morning getting caught up on the News, Weather and Blogs that we follow. Once the morning chores were finished I even managed to install the last Two Magnetic Latches in the Kitchen Cabinets.

I’d also planned on installing some LED Lighting Strips under the Cupboards. When we purchased them the picture on the Package showed they could be linked together at different levels which would mean an elevation change of Ten Inches twice to make it work. After cutting open the Package I discovered cords on each Strip that were only Two Inches long. We’ll deal with that tomorrow and if they can’t help me out I’ll fix them myself.
It felt good having a meal at home even though it was Split Pea with Ham Soup along with Cheese and Crackers as a side. Of course we topped it off with a Yogurt Cup for dessert.

As soon as the Dishes were finished I was back on my Computer. With all the time we have spent on this move I was behind on making my Data Entries on our Expenditure Spreadsheet. Surprisingly it took nearly Three Hours to complete the last of the Receipts.

While I was doing that Kathy was busy corresponding with my sister Anna who lives in London Ontario. Looks like she might be able to stop in for a visit just before Christmas.
Because we weren’t that physically active today we kept our supper a bit on the Lite side as well. We had All Beef Hotdogs chopped up with Pork and Beans on a Toast for the meal then topped it off with a piece of Berry Swirl Cheesecake for dessert.

After watching the 6 o’clock Local News we again watched a couple of Christmas Movies. Tomorrow will probably find us being more active so we’ll let you know about it then. Thank you for following along and feel free to leave a comment.
Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.

You know you are getting old when

your mind makes contracts your body can't keep.


  1. Your split pea with ham soup sure looks good. I was wondering what brand it is.

  2. Funny ... my outside view looked just the same all day!!

  3. Not every day needs to be exciting or productive. Sometimes just chillin is good.

  4. Quiet inside day here, also. Same type of grey cloudy sky.

  5. You have me hankering for split pea soup! My hubs keeps a spreadsheet too and spends alot of time on it. The times we have money woes are those times he took time off from the expenses. Have a good day!
