
Sunday, November 17, 2019

Sealing The Bathtub, Cleaning Grouting and Meeting The Cable Guy.

Our Location today is at Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to Enlarge

We went through our normal routine of a lite breakfast with our Coffee/Tea at the Computers this morning. We didn’t spend to much time there because we both had projects that we wanted to accomplish. After getting a much better night’s sleep we were up to a few more challenges. With an impending appointment for this afternoon we decided it was better to stay put for the day.

Like most older apartments that we looked at there were noticeable flaws. When someone moves out the Cleaning Crew makes a quick go round just to make things look good but they don’t really clean. Around the edge of the Bathtub water had gotten behind the Silicone Sealer at several spots and gave it an Unhealthy appearance. After completely removing that around the Tub I resealed it knowing there is nothing that will make us sick.
Now there is no mold growing behind the Silicone Sealer.
As long time tenants leave the apartments are updated by removing Carpeting and installing Ceramic Tiling and Laminate Flooring. They did a pretty good job but whoever edged the Bathroom didn’t properly seal the Ceramic Baseboards which looked like something was gathering back there. As soon as the Bathtub was finished the top of all the Baseboards were also sealed making it finally appear to be finished.

Kathy was planning on setting the Crock Pot up to make supper but as she was looking for things she found she needed to do something else. She ended up being busy rearranging the Kitchen Cupboards and Cabinets so now she knows where everything is. This however kept her looking down at the Ceramic Floor which she wasn’t too happy with how dirty the Grouting was.

She made us Vegetable Soup and Grilled Cheeses Sandwiches for lunch and topped that off with an Apple Sauce Cup for dessert.
Most of the Grouting in our apartment looks like this.
With years of having dirt ground into the Grouting Kathy knew that she had to change that. She did some research On-Line to find out the best way of cleaning the Grouting. There were all kinds of ideas from Acid, to WD40 to other more sensible suggestions. While we were at Canadian Tire this week we purchased a Two Pack of Lysol Toilet Bowl Cleaner and it was “On Sale”. So even if this doesn’t work for what she wanted it will still get used.
This is the section Kathy cleaned using Lysol Toilet Bowl Cleaner
and her Rubbermaid Grout Cleaning Tool.
She started from the back wall in the Kitchen so we could still walk through the apartment. After letting it set for Thirty Minutes she used her Rubbermaid Grout Cleaning Tool. (Similar to a Souped-Up Electric Toothbrush.) She was amazed at the result. The Grouting is actually a Light Tan colour not the Dark Grey that is visible everywhere else.

While she was doing that I was again trying to get caught up on our Data Entries into our Expenditure Spreadsheet which helps us keep track of where we are spending our money. All that came to an end when the phone rang. It was the Cable Guy here to program our Cable Boxes.

Don’t worry this wasn’t Larry the Cable Guy out to terrorize us but Dan. When he looked at the connections he was upset not at us but his company. Because they had sent him for a Programming not an Install. When the apartment was updated they ripped out all the Cable that had been installed before. The Connection behind the Television was dead but the One the Internet Modem was hooked to was live. This meant he had to install a new Cable around the apartment. Taking the easiest route it was run along the Ceiling but you have to stare real hard to see it.

When everything was connected Dan could only get a channel per Television. Checking our file it was showing that our connection was being routed to the apartment in Tecumseh that we left when we started our Fulltime Lifestyle. After talking to his supervisors that line was disconnected and we are now able to watch TV. All that work and he was done in an Hour.
Potatoes, Carrots, Cranberries and Pork Roast.
After he left while Kathy started serving our supper I put all the Furniture back where we had positioned them before. We listened to the Channel 7 News while we ate supper then shut it off.

We’re not sure what we’ll be up to tomorrow but according to the Weather Guessers all that dirty White Stuff should to mostly melt away. Thank you for following along and feel free to leave a comment.
Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.

Confucius Says

Only the wisest and stupidest of men never change.


  1. Thankyou for the grout cleaning tip. Looking forward to having that clean again!

  2. Well for heaven's sake. I've NEVER seen anyone clean tile like that. Mine is horrible!! I'll be trying your solution today! Thank you Kathy!!! I'm glad you got your TV working. I'd be a total wreck if I didn't have my television!!

  3. Always makes you feel better to get your home cleaned to your specifications! Dinner looks yummy!

  4. Have you considered letting the management know all the work you are putting into the apartment to see if they will give you some sort of credit toward this month's rent? You both have gone beyond just a little cleaning...just a thought.

  5. Our daughter-in-law is always looking for ways to clean the grout in her kitchen. I will be passing this idea along. Thank you for sharing.
