
Saturday, November 30, 2019

Finishing Packing The Inside Of The Trailer.

Our Location today is at Windsor, Ontario.
Click on the pictures to Enlarge

Even though we were aware that the temperature was not going to be too warm today we knew we had to completely empty the inside of the Trailer today. After breakfast we limited ourselves to only an Hour on our Computers in order to be out the door by 10:00.

We decided to take the Car knowing how much we have hauled in it in the past. Arriving at Guardian Storage we had to go through the Main Gate because I forgot the Remote Gate Opener in the Truck. We started in the Bedroom emptying the contents we had stored under the Bed. That was a chore in itself just to get that all packed but we managed to have the Car stuffed to capacity before lunch.

Locking the Trailer we then drove to our Climate Controlled Storage Unit for Two Reasons. The first was to add the Storage Bins and Boxes to other items we have stored there. The second was to warm ourselves up slightly since the Unit is maintained around 60 F (15.5 C) year round which was a lot better then the 36 F (2 C) outside.

We found our way over to Burger King where we used Coupons to try some of their newer offerings. What may be good for others was not to our liking so we’ll go back to their Tried and True Menu.

Back at the Trailer we were in the final stages of cleaning up inside separating some items that would come to the Apartment while more was heading to the Storage Unit.

We are learning that since we’ve gone South for a few Winters that when the Temperature stays as low as it is with High Humidity and a Northeast Wind we are getting chilled quite quickly. By 2:00 we once again needed to take a break.
We again drove to the nearby Tim Horton’s for Coffee and a Reindeer Donut for a snack. We also took advantage by seeking comfort from the cold for a short time.

Back at the Trailer while I loaded the last of our belongings from inside Kathy busied herself stripping the Bedding and sweeping all the Dirt that we’ve been tracking in throughout this process. With a final stop at the Storage Unit we were finally leaving for the day.
Inside is Empty, Basement Half.
The raise Solar Panels are keeping our Batteries topped up.
We were both Chilled and Hungry so we stopped at the Michigan Diner on Tecumseh Road to have supper. We each ordered their Perch Dinner with Onion Rings rather then Fries. The Perch was delicious as were the Onion Rings but there were so many we filled a Food Box to take home with us.

I dropped Kathy off at the Front Entrance to our Apartment Building because the Cold Wind makes it hard for her to breath. After parking the Car I carried the Laundry Basket with the Bed Sheets from the trailer upstairs. When I got to our floor there were Two Shopping Carts just outside the Elevators. Using the largest it only took One more load to bring everything in. We’ll go through what we brought up tomorrow.
It felt good just to sit where we were not cold but comfortable. We watched the 6 o’clock Local News as well as another Hallmark Christmas Movie. Our Christmas Cactus Flower is continuing to bloom.
With Rain forecasted overnight into the morning we are not sure what we’ll be up to tomorrow. Thank you for following along and feel free to leave a comment.
Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.

You Might Be a Redneck If

You consider yourself a "no collar worker".


  1. Congratulations on emptying your RV. With all the work you all put into accomplishing that goal I am sure you will sleep like babies this evening.

  2. That was a lot of work to clean out the trailer. It's nice to hunker down in the cold weather. Even nicer you have so many nearby restaurants.

  3. Well that is a big to do off the list. Once you bet the basement empty you will be able to breathe a huge sigh of relief. Why not take today, Sunday off and just got thru what you hauled in yesterday. Put you feet up and relax the rest of the day. You both deserve it.

  4. Good job getting the rv emptied. No one enjoys that chore and I'm hoping we don't have to do it for a long time.

  5. That is a lot of work, not to mention the cold.

  6. Must have been the day for emptying RVs. With the help of son and DIL we completely emptied ours yesterday. I so appreciated their help as Leonard is unable to assist. I don't know about you but I was shocked at the boxes and boxes we took out.

    Now tp figure out what to do with it. Luckily a gentleman in our church collects items he takes to an Native American reservation. He announced this morning he was going this week. GREAT! Follow us home. Sheets, blankets, comforter, set of Corelle dishes, silverware, coffee pot, lots of mugs and glasses all GONE. Still have big assortment of stuff to go through.

    RV is sold. Goes to dealer tomorrow. This season of our life is over.

    You have found the secret of staying warm while working up there. We like Tim Hortons. Wish they were down here in the South.

  7. That is certainly a big job, finally done. I know when we moved from the 5th wheel into the motorhome, and I thought I had downsized before we headed out that year, we could not believe all the stuff we had. Stay warm.
