
Friday, October 18, 2019

Sleepless Night, Busy Day and Kathy Helping Out.

Our Location today is at Wildwood Golf and RV Park, McGregor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to Enlarge

Since we both had quite stressful days yesterday neither of us got much sleep. Kathy kept wondering why Brenell was not responding to our calls and I was busy thinking of what it would take to rework the Truck Bodies. Kathy probably had Two Hours of sleep while I only had One. Our minds just would not shut down.

As soon as I had my Coveralls on this morning I informed the Supervisor of the Problem. He agreed but would not allow me to start any modification even though the Customer was supposed to pick them up today. I just kept busy welding up other parts as well as mounting the new Net Covers on our redesigned Headboards.

When the Owner finally appeared from the other Plant his fix was quick and simple though I personally don’t think the Customer will agree with it. The Owner then told me not to weld the mounts for the Net Covers. Since I didn’t agree I simply waited for him to return to the Office before finishing the welding. He would later tell me that I did a nice job on them.

Kathy would later hear from Brunell. Even though she had promised us the Unit she had let someone else that was willing to pay more have it but thought she would find another for us. We think she can find another customer instead.

I knew that I would probably have to work past the end of the shift but didn’t expect to work past 6:00 with the Owner himself fine tuning the jobs.

By the time I got Home I found Kathy outside cleaning out our Garden Shed trying to help me before we have to leave at the end of the month. We had Macaroni and Cheese for supper. Even though we were hungry that more then filled us. Great way to cut back.

Our showers helped Kathy warm up and for me to feel refreshed. I’m certain we’ll sleep well tonight. Thank you for following along and feel free to leave a comment.
Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.

You Might Be a Redneck If

Nobody's quite sure what the permanent "For Sale" sign in your yard refers to.


  1. I'm glad you finally gave Brunell her pink slip!

  2. Sounds like another rough day at work. Bet you will be glad when you're headed south.

  3. Sounds like you'll be happy to give your employer HIS pink slip too!! At least the buyer appreciates your work.

  4. I hope that you have a relaxing weekend.

  5. I hope both of you have a restful weekend you guys deserve it.
