
Thursday, September 12, 2019

Talk With The Owner, Kathy’s Homemade Soup, Cataracts and Coyote Sighting.

Our Location today is at Wildwood Golf and RV Park, McGregor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to Enlarge

It brought out a chuckle to when I looked at the Clock this morning to see that I was wide awake minutes before the Alarm was set to go off. You can tell we are getting closer to the Fall season when you start running the Wipers on the way to Work in the morning.

Since I try to always arrive early I had the chance to ponder how to fix the problem with the Second Aluminium Project. I even started getting things prepped before the Buzzer sounded off. When the Owner finally walked through the plant I spoke with him briefly. I mentioned that I was not trying to tell him how to run his business but in the Future when I’m given an Aluminium Project I will do it the way it should be done not in a rush because that rush added Two Days Work to the Project. I was certain he didn’t appreciate the extra time and effort being put into it and neither did I. His response was to do what I thought best to fix it and get it out the door before shaking my hand.

By the morning break the Project was in pieces with the Upper Section on my Workbench. It took Two other workers to help me get it there but by the time we stopped for lunch all the welding was finished and everything was nice and straight. With it being lunch allowed it time to cool before we handled it again.

When I spoke with Kathy she had missed her morning Appointment because she had been Sick. When she called the person she was told the unit was no longer available so it was back to researching for her.

Back to the Project the Upper Section was totally bolted in place by 2:00 and another part was being delivered to my area. It wasn’t made the way I thought it should but since the Owner was not there to ask I started making it fit together. The Owner finally showed up at the end of the Shift and was all smiles seeing the Second Aluminium Project nearly complete. When I pointed out what I was doing to the part to make it work he said I had everything under control and to enjoy my evening.
Since Kathy had confined herself to the Trailer she decided to clean out the Fridge and I knew it as soon as I walked in the door. She had been busy making a large pot of Homemade Chicken Vegetable Soup and the Aroma greeted me at the door. Even before I had my Shower we were enjoying a steaming bowl of heavenly wonder and we were quite satisfied with that alone for our meal.

I felt much better after a wonderfully warm Shower but as we stepped out the door I was getting another shower. This one was the Drizzle that was falling from the sky.

We were headed to Amherstburg to visit our son Kevin and daughter-in-law Melissa for our weekly visit. Since Melissa now has Choir Practice on Wednesdays we changed our visits to Thursdays. We had our usual fun filled visit talking about all kinds of things from Cataract Surgery to Cooking to Coyotes. Due to the medication that Kevin is on he has developed severe Cataracts at his young age. We talked about the Soup that Kathy made today and the Coyotes not only in the desert but here in our area. There have been many sightings locally but I have personally heard their calling.

We left shortly before 8:00 and by the time we left the town limits it was already dark. We stopped at a Variety Store to try our hand at the Lotto. Can’t win if you don’t have a ticket but we don’t go overboard either. We were less then a Quarter Mile from our Park when I saw a Coyote walking along the edge of the road. When I slowed he simply jumped the Ditch and headed off into the Corn Field.

We both have a list of things we need to accomplish tomorrow. As I finish writing this post my Eyes are starting to get heavy. Thank you for following along and feel free to leave a comment.
Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.

You know you are getting old when

your secrets are safe with your friends because they can't remember them either.


  1. I love seeing those critters. None have visited me this year that I have seen. Hope Kathy is feeling better.

  2. Sometimes you just have to speak up..good for you! We just saw a fox yesterday while we were driving to Carson.

  3. I do not know why but for some reason I did not think Canada had coyotes figured they only liked the desert.

    If you do not mind me asking what medication causes cataracts?
