
Saturday, September 14, 2019

Making Calls, Cleaning Up, Working Out and “The Bank Job”.

Our Location today is at Wildwood Golf and RV Park, McGregor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to Enlarge

It felt wonderful to sleep for a full Eight Hours last night. By the time that I had the Window Shades open this morning Kathy was on her way downstairs to join me for breakfast. We even kept that Lite with a Croissant and Coffee/Tea. Kathy has been having problems with her Laptop lately so while she looked things up using my Computer I set hers up for a Weekly Scan that would only find Twelve Hundred Cookies.

I needed to call our Pharmacy in Amherstburg about Kathy’s Medication. Every time the doctors change even the dosage you only get a partial amount in case you have a reaction so the Medication is not wasted. That unfortunately throws the dosages off as far as the rest of her Prescriptions. So today I requested only a Half so they will then fall back in line with the rest and Kathy will be able to pick them up next week so they will be available the next time the Pill Doucettes are done.

I then busied myself changing the Bed Linens before bringing all the Laundry downstairs to sort. Including a separate load for Two Pair of Coveralls this would be our costliest wash day since arriving at the Park over Three Years ago. Once the Laundry was going in the Washers I walked over to the Park Exercise Room in order to work out many of the Kinks out that I gather throughout the week. After weighing myself and verifying that I’ve lost Seventeen Pounds since returning to work I actually had time to complete Three Sets today. It felt like I was floating on air when I walked back to the Park Laundry Room.
Once all the Laundry was in the Dryers I headed back Home where Kathy had been busy getting things ready or lunch. We had a bowl of her Homemade Chicken Vegetable Soup along with Mixed Berries over Yogurt for dessert. Keeping it satisfying, healthy and energizing.

It was past 2:00 when I returned with our Folded Laundry. Kathy had been busy dusting inside the Trailer. She claims that she is still finding dust from the Arizona Desert. Once everything was away I finally had the chance to go On-line and start getting caught up on my morning reading. Our outside temperature only reached 75 F (24 C) this afternoon.
It was close to 5:00 when I grilled a couple of Sausages on the Weber Q. Our neighbours Tim and Bonnie came over for a brief chat while they were grilling their own supper. Kathy served us Coleslaw as a side along with Chocolate Pudding Cups for our dessert.

This evening we decided to watch the movie “The Bank Job” starring Jason Statham and Saffron Burrows. We’ve mentioned many times how we prefer watching movies based on actual fact which gave this plenty of twists and turns. We gave it a Nine out of Ten.

Tomorrow is another day off so we’ll see what we can get into. Thank you for following along and feel free to leave a comment.
Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.

You Might Be a Redneck If

Your pastor drives a monster truck.


  1. Isn't it funny how a little bit of exercise can make us feel so much better ... after the first initial OMG moments? I'm not looking forward to that in October. Congrats on losing so much weight, even if you weren't really trying to.

  2. Great job on the weight loss! Just don't go overboard...The grilled sausage looks yummy!
