
Saturday, July 27, 2019

Busy Day Off.

Our Location today is at Wildwood Golf and RV Park, McGregor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to Enlarge

After being Retired for over Ten Years only working Two Eight Hour Days this week really had me looking forward to this weekend. That is strange how we all change with time. After the loss of my Late Wife and just before the Plant Closure my normal work schedule was 12/7. If I had a day off back then my body would think something was wrong and I would be Sick. When I had my Vacations the first day I was always Sick. Times have changed and I certainly never want to go back to those times.

After only Two Work Days I figured that my Biological Clock would be kicking in so before going to bed last night I got things ready. When I woke at 5:30 I had to tell myself to get some more sleep. When I woke at 6:30 I changed and started sorting the Laundry. The Park Laundry Room opens at 7:00 every morning and very few people are there at that time. With the forecast calling for a high Humidex of 97 F (36 C) going early in the morning made sense because it was also much cooler.

I had our Laundry going by 7:15 and busied myself reading the Employees Handbook that was given to me by the Company. It gave a History of the Company and its commitment to Quality Products. It had rules about Workplace Safety, Anti-Harassment and a recommended Dress Code.

Once everything had been moved to the Dryers I walked Home to have Breakfast. Kathy had already started getting things ready so in no time we were finished eating. While Kathy sat enjoying her Tea at her Computer I packed up the Trash and after only a sip of my Coffee headed over to the Park Trash and Recycle Area. With that out of the way I walked back to the Laundry Room to wash my hands then started folding our Clothes.

I had told Kathy it would be close to 11:00 before I’d get back and I was early by only a few minutes. As soon as we had all our Clothes put away I had to go dump our Waste Tanks. Due to the work it is necessary for me to shower Daily instead of every other day so the tanks only lasted Ten days this time. Looks like it will become a weekly ritual.
When I got back inside Kathy was busy making Split Pea Soup for our lunch with Honey Date Squares for dessert.

It took another hour to finish reading the Employees Handbook before I signed the Form on the last page that has to be turned in. This was written in Layman’s Terms not the Volumes of Legal Jargon in a Contract between a Company and the Unions. I like this better.

I finally finished drinking my very cold Coffee while getting caught up reading on the Computer. Somewhere while doing that I had a difficult time reading through my closed eyelids. Starting the day early and relaxing in the afternoon is not a good combination.
Tomorrow we plan on going out for a while and maybe we’ll even take some pictures. Thank you for following along and feel free to leave a comment.
Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.

The World's Great Proverbs

The quarrel of lovers is the renewal of love.


  1. I am still thankful you were able to land a decent job to refill the travel funds jar.

  2. Give it a few weeks and your body will adjust to the new routine. I just thought of something. Does the company that hired you know that you will be leaving in the fall to travel? If so then they are pretty amazing to have hired you. However I think that you are a very talented worker and they are lucky to have you.

  3. I feel your pain. I have not gone to work in 13 years, I am pretty sure I would have a hard time adjusting to work again. Hang in there!
