
Saturday, June 1, 2019

Medical Test, Walking The Mall, Very Special Birthday and “Hacksaw Ridge”.

Our Location today is at Wildwood Golf and RV Park, McGregor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to Enlarge

Even though we had set the Alarm for 7:30 Kathy was so anxious not to be late for her appointment that we were up by 6:30 this morning. That was the same time that wore me out on Thursday but we wouldn’t have time to get tired today.

After having an early breakfast we took the time to drink our Coffee/Tea at the Computers long enough to check our E-mails and The Weather Network. I’ll have a lot of catching up to do tomorrow. Once our inside chores were finished we were heading out the door by 8:15 to comfortable temperatures and beautiful Sunshine.
Our destination was the Windsor Heart Institute. Kathy was born with a Congenital Heart Defect that was not discovered until 2003. There is no way of changing it but who wants to change a good thing. Her former Cardiologist retired this past winter so now our Family Doctor has set her up with a new one. As with most newer Specialist they automatically order tests to see what was being described on her chart.

We were there with time to spare but because of other issues the Technician was having a harder time to get accurate pictures but when he did could not believe what he was seeing. Kathy was able to watch what he was seeing on the screen but will definitely have some bruising from this Test.

Kathy was finished shortly after 10:00. With Three Hours before our next appointment we had to find something to do so we headed over to the Devonshire Mall on Howard Avenue. The last time we were there last October there was a lot of renovations going on throughout the entire complex.
The first store we checked out was the former Chapters now called Indigo one of the largest Bookstore Chains in Canada. Kathy is a very avid reader and even though she tries to get most of the books she reads at Exchange Libraries she does add to them by getting new books “On-Sale” and today was no exception. Many books are priced close to Thirty Dollars when they first come out. Today Kathy walked out with Six new books for less then Thirty Dollars.

That didn’t take too long so after putting those books in the Car we back inside went for a walk around the Mall Concourse. We like to watch movies at Home and when they have Previews that show another movie that we are interested in we search it out. Unlike many of our movies that we get for $5.00 or less today after checking out Two Video Stores we finally found the movie we’ve been looking for but it was more then $5.00.

Quite a variety of seating in the Food Court.
We walked the rest of the Mall window shopping many new stores admiring the renovations but also noticing the lots of empty Storefronts. Breakfast was long worn off after Five Hours so we headed to the Food Court. We had a coupon that saved us Two Dollars when we went to A&W for lunch. We also had the chance to People Watch as many parents were there shopping with their children.
Once finished our meals when we headed out to the Parking Lot the sky had filled with Thick Clouds that looked a little threatening but we were safe because we had our Raincoats in the Car.

We took our time as we made our way through downtown Windsor. This is the weekend for the annual “Art in the Park” but also noticed that the Rib-Fest was down along the Detroit River.

When we arrived at the Devonshire Retirement Home we sat in the Car thinking that we were too early. When I noticed my cousin pull up to start unloading food from her car we both went over to lend a hand and were joined by other guests.
Ann-Marie, Aunt Anna, Jackie
and Suzie in front.
Heading up to the Second Floor the first person we saw was the Birthday Girl herself my aunt Anna. Today she celebrated being 80 Years Young. She was all smiles when she saw us getting off the elevators. After putting the food in the kitchen we got our Hugs and Kisses in. All Three of her daughters got together to help their Mom celebrate this Special Day. There were quite a few people that I new growing up that attended and we all enjoyed watching a Slide Show of pictures from the past with my aunt in everyone of them.
Since she is still grieving the loss of my uncle Bob in December it brought a few tears that wemanaged to change to laughter remembering funny things that happened over the years. I also remembered spending my Tenth summer living with Anna and Bob while my mother was hospitalized. It was like having Two sets of Parents that I loved equally.
Aunt Anna 
Just as everyone was enjoying the Food and Cake that was there One by One everyone’s Cell Phones started going off alerting them of the Threat of Tornadoes in the area. We moved things away from the windows just in case. Slowly things were winding down and it was time to say good-bye to my Aunt Anna and my Three Cousins.
My mother's brother Edmund as Best Man, my father's sister Madeline
as Maid of Honor, my Mother the Bride and my Father the Groom.
The 7 year old Flower Girl was my Aunt Anna.
It was nearly 5:00 when we left and the Rain had finally stopped but as we got closer to the Park in McGregor the Farmers Fields had more standing water in them then we have seen in the Three Years we have lived here along with many downed Branches. The Canadian Geese didn’t seem to mind as it appeared like they had their broods out for a day at the Water Hazards.
(L-R) My Mother as Maid of Honor, my uncle Bob,
my Aunt Anna and my Father as Best Man
in front of the house I grew up in.
As I often mention we enjoy watching movies that are based on True Events. This morning it was the movie “Hacksaw Ridge” starring Andrew Garfield as Desmond Doss that we were happy to find. Desmond Doss was the first Conscientious Objector in the US Army to earn the Congressional Medal of Honour as an Army Medic during the Second World War. The special effects about the Horrors of War are very Graphic. We both gave it a Ten and hope it won a lot of Awards.
Just a day at the Water Hazards.
Just after we started watching the movie the Thunderstorms started and have not stopped. At one point the sound was nearly deafening and Trailer was really vibrating and it wasn’t from the movie. I truly need to add Pontoons under our Trailer because of all the Rain we’ve been getting. Thank you for following along and feel free to leave a comment.
Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.

Words of Inspiration

Anyone who tells a lie has not a pure heart,

and cannot make a good soup.

Ludwig Van Beethoven, German Composer


  1. What great pictures you have!! I hope Kathy's heart keeps on for many years. Sometimes you just have to surprise the Doctors!! Stay safe from those darn tornados!!

  2. Hope Kathy's results are good. nice celebration for your Aunt Ann and so nice to have the pictures.

  3. Good morning. I don't comment very often but I love family photos especially the older ones. What a blessing to be able to celebrate your aunt's life. Thank you for sharing....

  4. Hoping all is well with Kathy! Loved the pictures and the beautiful 80th celebration for Aunt Anna! Wonderful!

  5. Tornadoes or warnings everywhere lately. Even had them here in southern NJ where we are visiting. Plus horrendous thunderstorms.

    We saw Hacksaw Ridge when it first came out at a small theater near Hershey, PA. We are so right. There are scenes that are terribly graphic and disturbing. Some I could not watch. But the movie was well done and told an important story. We were impressed. Glad to have seen it.

  6. We have three days of sun in a row predicted for us in MI. We will send them your way when we are done with them.

  7. I really enjoyed seeing the pictures of Aunt Anna both as a child, then as a bride and now as an adult. How lucky you are to still have her in your life. May she celebrate many more birthdays.

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