
Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Increased Pain, Getting Ready For Hot Weather, Grilled Pizza and “The Commuter”.

Our Location today is at Wildwood Golf and RV Park, McGregor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to Enlarge

I was once again up before 7:30 so everything was ready for breakfast even before I sat at my Computer. Even though The Weather Network was showing Sunny Skies with a slight Breeze it was anything but that outside. The good thing was there was no Rain.
Taken at 9:00 this morning. Where is the Sun?
I had basically completed my morning Reading when I looked at the Clock. We have an agreed upon time that if the other is not awake by we wake them up. When Kathy finally joined me for breakfast she related how the Pain Level in her Hands and Shoulders has increased. The Arthritic Doctor wanted her to be totally off the One Medication because he determined that she had the onset of Rheumatoid Arthritis rather then Diabetic Neuropathy. Fortunately our Family Doctor thought that would cause her too much pain and changed it to a lower dosage instead. When the pain gets to be too much she is supposed to take a Tylenol as a break through medication. She’ll be doing that tonight.
We did our inside chores along with making plans for today and later this week. With the Late Start we had a Lite Breakfast which was long past by 1:00 so we got together to make lunch. I finely sliced up some Red Peppers and Onions so that Kathy could saute them. While Kathy toasted the Bread I sliced the Beef Roast we cooked the other day to make Sandwiches. Once the Toasted Sandwiches were assembled a slice of Provolone Cheese was added. It was delicious but when Kathy is on her Pain Medications she needed more so she added a few Cookies and an Apple Sauce Cup for dessert. As we enjoyed our meal the Sun appeared and the Clouds all disappeared.
Even with all the Windows and Roof Vents open it seemed to be getting Hot inside the Trailer. While Kathy started pulling the Window Screens out to give then and the inside of the Windows a good cleaning I was pulling the Air Conditioner Return Vents apart. We have to be ready if we need to use the AC and the Dust that had covered the Filters while we were in Quartzsite this past winter was thick. I took them outside and used the Shop-Vac to get them totally clean. After giving the AC a test run we shut it off.

Our longer range Forecast is starting to show some High Humidex Days coming our way. What has me scratching my head about those days is that when it gets so Hot our Humidity Levels actually drop.

I had recently purchased new Weather Seal for our Door. It took quite some time to get all the Old Seal removed including the Adhesive Strip. Then after giving it a good cleaning with Rubbing Alcohol I planned on installing the New Weather Seal. I spent over a Half Hour trying to carefully peal the Protective Strip from the back only to ruin Two Inches of the Seal. There was no way the Protective Strip was coming off. Guess I’ll be going back to Home Hardware in the morning.
It was past 5:30 when we decided to have Pizza for supper. I started and left the Weber on High with the Pizza Stone on the grill. Kathy had gotten the Pizza from the Freezer and put it on our Pizza Pan. Since this was not a Thin Crust Pizza it took Twenty-Five Minutes to be done just the way we like it.
Strawberry Short Cupcake with Cool Whip and Chocolate Sauce.
An Evening Snack.
We watched the movie “The Commuter” starring Liam Neilson. As with all of his movies only the first couple of minutes are slow before you are kept on the edge of your seat. We gave it a Ten.

With no Rain for tomorrow we’ll pick up the pace a bit. Thank you for following along and feel free to leave a comment.
Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.

"Time's fun when you're having flies."

Kermit the Frog


  1. Glad to hear you finally had a rain free day. Sorry you ruined two inches of your weather seal. It sounds like it is a very detailed job.

    Hope Kathy's pain lessens with Tylenol.

  2. Sorry to hear about Kathy's pain. It is always a challenge to find the correct medication balance when changing meds. I hope it comes together sooner than later.

  3. I have a lot of pain in only one knuckle. I can't imagine Kathy's pain. I hope the tylenol works. Dinner looks yummy!!!!

  4. Hope Kathy's pain gets better soon! Lunch and dinner looks yummy.

  5. What do you do with all the watched DVDs? You could be a movie critic, you know. ;-)
    Managing pain is not an easy task and I am wishing Kathy that she will be getting the right meds to help her out.
