
Tuesday, June 11, 2019

I Shared, Still No Luck, No Rain and A Bicycle Ride.

Our Location today is at Wildwood Golf and RV Park, McGregor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to Enlarge

Both Kathy and our Doctor were right that what I had was only a 24 Hour Flu. As hard as it was I made certain not to sneeze or cough anywhere around Kathy and only kissed her on the head so she wouldn’t get it. That took a lot of discipline not to snuggle up to her more and only say “I Love You”.
Time to see what is hidden behind our Middle Flowerbed.
She woke up this morning very much upset with me because I shared. Living in these tight quarters it made no difference I still shared. I actually tried being greedy and keeping it all to myself but Kathy caught my Flu.
After our usual morning routine I headed off towards Windsor in search of what I was looking for nearly Two Weeks ago. Since it catch be gotten On-Line the only thing I could do was to revisit some of the places I had originally visited. Having checked only the most promising I was back Home in under Two Hours.
For lunch Kathy served us each a bowl of her Homemade Chicken Vegetable Soup. She also served some Grapes and the last of the small Cake we had the other day.
Fairies watching the Gnome at work.
As soon as we had finished I headed back outside to finish cleaning things up. I put the now Painted Skids with the Barrels we take south to the desert. Then I folded up the Plastic Tarp that had been used to keep the Paint off of the Patio.
With fresh Landscape Cloth around the base of the Pole on our Site I had to expand the Decorative Brick circle. Since we weren’t back on our Site before the outside company mowed our grass this spring they ran over those bricks with the Heavy Mowers making them totally lopsided.
I finally got around to weeding the Side Trees near our Garden Shed. We didn’t have time the other day so now they are all finished.
Kathy needed to rest so I headed over to the Park Exercise Room. It had been a while since the last time so it felt good getting all those muscles tightened up again. I completed Three Sets of my routine and even added extra Weight to some of the Bars.
When I got back Kathy had been busy trying a Recipe that she found On-Line. She also had gotten some Precooked Spare Ribs wrapped in foil for me to heat up on the Weber Q. I halved an Acorn Squash then cleaned it out. Kathy worked her magic and had it all cooked tender by the time the Ribs were ready. The Ribs you could clean off the bones with a fork and everything tasted wonderful except the On-Line Recipe. Kathy won’t be making that One again.
Only Half of the Geese in this picture.
We did the Dishes together before going for a ride around the Park on our Tandem Bicycle. There was very little breeze as we rode every street in the entire Park. We came across some of the Canadian Geese along with their broods at one of the Water Hazards and the resident Blue Heron at another. We also saw a few Rabbits throughout the Park. It must be unusual for some people to see a Tandem Bicycle because there were at least Four that hollered that Kathy wasn’t pedalling. Unlike our first Tandem if one of us stops pedalling the other knows right away.
The resident Blue Heron.
It felt good not having any Rain today and tomorrow is supposed to be close so we’ll have to see what we will be up to then. Thank you for following along and feel free to leave a comment.
Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.

Words of Inspiration

Ignorance is the curse of God; knowledge is the wing where with we fly to heaven.

William Shakespeare


  1. Sounds like Kathy got over the flu quickly. Nice that you got out for a bike ride. Love your fairy garden and its sayings.

  2. At least I'm not the only one to have those on-line recipes not work out so well!! I hope Kathy is feeling better!!

  3. Figured you would share, but luckily it's quick! How nice the bike ride together! Dinner looked yummy!

  4. What a lovely Fairy Garden.

    I did not know know you all had a tandem fun! Had to smile that they ratted out Kathy for not peddling :D

    Glad you and Kathy got over your 24 hour flu.

  5. I'm thinking if we had a tandem bike I would be tempted not to pedal. Just because...

    Keep well and no fair sharing.
