
Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Near Seasonal Temperatures, Chores and Wrapping.

Our Location today is at Wildwood Golf and RV Park, McGregor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to Enlarge

It felt strange waking up to comfortable temperatures inside the Trailer this morning considering that the Temperature was supposed to drop just above the Freezing Mark last night. When I opened the Window Shades you could feel the heat of the Sun radiating through the Windows themselves. It didn’t take long to get most of my morning chores finished even before Kathy joined me downstairs at 8:00.

After a Muffin for breakfast we took the time to enjoy our Coffee/Tea while reading at the Computers. Kathy also sent a Birthday Greeting to our granddaughter Ashley who is in Spain at this time as an English Teacher. Hard to believe how old she is now when just the other day she was only. You get the picture.

After finishing my other inside chores I had make a few phone calls. While we were away yesterday One of the Specialist’s Office that our Family Doctor wants Kathy to see had called and left a message for an appointment. The problem was that she spoke so softly we could barely make out the message. After replaying the message several times I called our Family Doctor and gave them what little information I was able to get from the message. When we figured out who’s Office had called I called them back. Even talking to the Receptionist in person I had a hard time to hear her.

It was finally time to start sorting Laundry since it has been a while and with today’s temperatures finally starting to warm to near seasonal it seemed like a good day. For our early lunch we had Chicken Noodle Soup and an Apple for dessert.
Hostas are really starting to grow.
Kathy wanted to continue wrapping more of the Christmas Gifts so before I head out the Door I helped her to move the Gift Bags back to our bedroom. That gave us room to move while we did the wrapping and by putting the Gift Bags on the bed in rows by the families Kathy could easily place the Gifts in the proper Bag after they are wrapped.

At the Park Laundry Room I had no problem getting Three Washers together. As soon as I had them going I headed back to the Trailer to help Kathy with the wrapping. The temperature had reached the low 60s so we had the Door and some windows open.

Kathy had been busy putting some of the items into plain Gifts Boxes while I had been away. Fortunately there were Four that were all the same size so I was able to measure Once and cut the Four pieces of Wrapping Paper before wrapping the Gifts. I had finished doing all Four of those Gifts before I had to head back to the Laundry Room. After transferring the Clothes to the Dryers I once again headed back Home to continue with more wrapping.
Clouds starting to fill the sky.
The last time I headed back to the Laundry Room it took just over an Hour to have everything folded before I headed back Home. Since the bed was filled with all the Gift Bags there was no way to unpack the Laundry so the only thing we could do was to keep wrapping more Gifts.

Kathy kept saying we had to finish today and was starting to get frantic about it. I had to point out that it was past 6:30 and our supper time. We were both too tired to cook so we headed over to McDonald’s in Essex for our meal. She felt much better after we ate.
Lots of fields still flooded with Water.
It was nearly 8:00 when we got back Home so after I wrapped Four more Gifts we called it a night. All the Gift Bags were hauled back to the Living Room, the Laundry was put away and we are both very tired. Our Two Day total for wrapping Christmas Gifts is 65 and there is at least another full day of wrapping to do.

With more Rain in the forecast and outside chores that need to be done we will get back to our wrapping when we can so that once it is finished we’ll be able to reclaim our Home. Thank you for following along and feel free to leave a comment.
Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.

You Might Be a Redneck If

You haven't spoken to your brother since Super Bowl XXVI.


  1. Glad to hear that it is finally warming up where you are at. My goodness you have a lot of family and friends to wrap gifts for. At least you were able to get the laundry chore out of the way.

  2. Santa will surely stop at your house. Not to leave gifts but to pick up the sled load of gift you have packed.

  3. I think you have become Santa's number one helper!!!

  4. Keeping busy once again..certainly no time to get bored!
