
Sunday, May 26, 2019

Kathy’s Sleepless Night, Making A List, More Rain and Family Visit.

Our Location today is at Wildwood Golf and RV Park, McGregor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to Enlarge

After having a solid night’s sleep because we’d left all the Windows open I was up and had the Window Shades up by 8:00 this morning. Once I had gotten things ready for breakfast I settled in on my Computer to start my morning reading. Since there was nothing on our agenda for today and The Weather Network was forecasting a bleak picture for the rest of the day I chose to let Kathy sleep as long as she needed. When she finally joined me downstairs I was told that she had spent the first Three Hours of the night just trying to fall asleep.

We had barely moved to the Computers with our Coffee/Tea when the Rain once again started. It would Rain for Ten Minutes then stop for Twenty before starting again for the entire day. When my reading was complete along with my inside chores I started researching places I needed to actually stop in while trying to find something. The problem was how to write down all Forty of these businesses. For me the simplest way was to copy all the Names, Addresses and Phone Numbers on one Contact Document.
Added extra Crackers to absorb the extra broth.
With so much Humidity in the air we started feeling chilled so we started closing all the Roof Vents along with certain Windows. It was still too cool so we made a Split Pea and Bacon Soup for lunch. We didn’t wait for it to render down too much instead appreciating the warmth it was giving us. Of course Kathy also made us each a Blackberry Short Cupcake for dessert.

While the Water Heater did its magic I created a Spreadsheet then started cutting and pasting all the information collected on my morning Document. I then started reviewing comments about those businesses which meant deleting quite a few. I now have a list of Twenty-Two places that I’ll be checking out this week.

We ended up closing the rest of the Windows to keep a bit warmer. We discussed Kathy’s appointments this week as well as the need to go pick up a few more Food Stocks to tide us over which would also get us out of the Trailer for a while before Cabin Fever set in.

We headed for Essex with the plan to get groceries but as they say never shop on an empty stomach. We stopped at A-1 Chinese Restaurant on Talbot Street where we have been before. They offer food from their Menus but they also have a Buffet. Being reasonably priced we were careful not to over fill our Plates. When we felt satisfied we knew it was time to leave.
By the time we drove to the grocery store they were getting ready to close and Kathy did not want to rush so we’ll wait until tomorrow but what to do with our time.
We haven’t seen our daughter-in-law Jen for a month so we headed over. She was all smiles to see us as well as our grandsons Haigan and Conner. We had lots to catch up on since Conner will be graduating from grade Eight this June as well as Haigan’s Birthday. It was nice hearing about her upcoming plans for Summer Vacation with the family.
By the time we were on our way Home the Clouds were clearing and gave us a few nice Sunset Pictures. As we pulled into our Site there were Three Rabbits playing in our neighbours grass. One decided to hide but the other Two just kept playing. It is that time of year so it wasn’t until we got out of the Car that they scrambled under our Trailer for safety.
To clear up a question that I answered a couple years ago. The cost of our Seasonal Site does include the Grass Cutting and Trimming. What was happening was the people Trimming the grass with the Weed Whackers were destroying the grass. They would clear a Foot Wide path around everything that would expose the Clay beneath the Sod. They also run the heavy Riding Mowers over the Edging Bricks destroying our Gardens. Because we care about how our Site appears we like many others have chosen to be on the “No Mow” list and do it ourselves.
We’ll be busy again tomorrow. Thank you for following along and feel free to leave a comment.
Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.

Words of Inspiration

Best be yourself, imperial, plain and true.

Elizabeth Barrett Browning, English Poet


  1. You might just have lots of baby bunnies soon

  2. Really like those Chinese Buffets. Unlike you I over eat when I go there.

  3. Hate night's like Kathy had..Hope last night was better for her. Love Chinese food, but because of migraines I don't eat buffet but get plenty in a regular order :0 Beautiful sunset

  4. Yeah I think those bunnies are doing more than playing hide and seek! LOL I totally understand your yard care. Better to do it yourself.
