
Saturday, May 18, 2019

Cool Morning, “The Last Witch Hunter” and Pizza On The Grill.

Our Location today is at Wildwood Golf and RV Park, McGregor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to Enlarge

This morning it felt like we were being lulled to sleep and when I finally looked at the Clock I practically jumped out of bed. It was past 8:00 in the morning but once I heard the tapping on the roof I knew what had happened. I headed downstairs and as soon as the Window Shades were up there was my proof. It had been Raining most of the night and for Kathy and I it is like a Lullaby that makes us sleep.
Sensing my absence Kathy soon joined me downstairs where we had a lite-breakfast before getting caught up on the Computers what is happening all around us. The One thing that was bothering us was the temperature that continues to drop to the Mid-Forties overnight and barely make it into the low Fifties by mid afternoon. That is not the type of weather that you would feel like working in the Flowerbeds.
Even though the Rain had finally stopped just before noon in order to warm up we had Split Pea with Ham Soup along with Cheddar Cheese on Crackers for lunch and some Bing Cherries for our dessert.

It was still too cool and wet outside that we decided to watch the movie “The Last Witch Hunter” starring Vin Diesel. It was only slow for the first couple of minutes then the action barely stopped. We had additional entertainment after the movie by watching the Deleted Scenes and Special Features that showed how the movie itself was made. We gave it Two Thumbs Up.
The Sun had made an appearance to warm things up while we watched the movie so we opened the Door and most of the Windows. That allowed me time to do more research before going outside to grill a store bought 10” Hawaiian Pizza on the Weber. From the Freezer right on the Grill without Preheating it took exactly Thirty Minutes for it to be done Perfectly.
After cleaning up we went for a walk around the Transient Area which was completely filled up for the Victoria Day Weekend which is the unofficial start of the Summer Camping Season here in Ontario. With the forecast showing Summer-Like Temperatures for tomorrow before a cool down for Monday we’ll be making use of it. Thank you for following along and feel free to leave a comment.
Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.

You Might Be a Redneck If

You know the game warden's schedule better than he does.


  1. Cute little flower bed so neat.

  2. Why did you have to rush downstairs when you are retired and can sleep in if you so choose?

    The weather has been so difficult to predict that I no longer believe our forecasters. Say what many people may but I believe in global warming and this spring has been a perfect example of it.

  3. I'm glad the rain makes you sleep better. It just keeps me awake hour after hour!! LOL
    The pizza on a grill sounds like a great idea.

  4. Kathy's split pea with ham soup always looks so yummy!

  5. It has been raining here since yesterday. I am no longer enjoying the pitter patter on the roof it is even past Though it doesn't help that the temperatures are in the 40's. Stay dry.
